Company + Product

Company + Product

Perfectly Secure? Quantum Physics and the Cloud

Security remains a critical issue in the cloud. Last week, the U.S. government released its top seven tips for secure cloud adoption while an international team of scientists debuted perfectly secure cloud computing … using quantum physics. NIST Provides Concise Cloud Adoption Guide The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)…

Securely Scaling the Cloud @LinkedIn

Customer success is our most important value at Okta, which is why I am very excited today to talk more about the great relationship we have developed with Mike Jennings and his IT team over at LinkedIn. And the funny thing is it all started with the LinkedIn service – really. We were still early on in the pipeline building and customer…

Password Sharing: One Trend That Has No Place at Work

From SOPA to Megaupload, there was a lot going on in Internet news last week. Below we’d like to highlight a few of the stories that resonated with us as enterprise cloud users. The iPad: Ushering in Consumer IT Last week Sarah Lacy, former senior editor at TechCrunch, launched the startup news site PandoDaily. In one of the first posts on the…

The Rise of the Cloud CIO – A Silver Lining for IT and the Business

“The cloud will change IT as nothing before it has. It may end up removing the last vestiges of the captive IT organization that "owns" its enterprise as surely as the enterprise owns IT. CIOs are right to start addressing it now.” – The Why of Cloud, Richard Hunter, Gartner Inc., December 2011 The Rise of the Cloud For over a decade now I have…

Zappos Security Breach Affects Millions; Are Passwords Necessary?

More on Password Debate In a piece for Wired, Robert McMillan lays out our long, conflicted relationship with the password. What started as an easy solution to access our lives online has spiraled out of control. We are now forced to remember more passwords than ever, many containing nonsense symbols and a mix of capital letters and numerals. What…

Placing My Bets: A Year of Firsts in the Cloud for 2012

Today, in Forbes, I offer my predictions for what’s to come in cloud during 2012. It will be a year of firsts: major acquisitions, rapid cloud adoption, a new class of cloud employees and major security breaches are all in store. Here’s a preview: 1. More Clouds Across Businesses Everywhere Over the past few years, we’ve seen cloud technologies…

20/20 Hindsight: A Look Back at My 2011 Predictions

It’s that time of year again. With 2012 upon us, industry leaders, writers and analysts are all placing their bets for what’s to come during the next 365 days. I’m expecting this to be a year of first for the cloud, but let's save my 2012 predictions for tomorrow. For now, I’d like to take a look back at my 2011 predictions to see how I fared. 1…
