Company + Product

Company + Product

How Okta Lights the Way Into the Cloud at Enterasys

What Okta does for Enterasys could be compared to what Thomas Edison did for the light bulb: significantly increase efficiency. That link may seem far-fetched, but according to Dan Petlon, CIO of Enterasys, Okta “frees the IT guys from just keeping the lights on and maintaining systems, all those traditional IT things, to doing new things:…

The Modern Enterprise, Mobility and External Identity: Thoughts from Gartner Catalyst

Gartner Catalyst is always a great opportunity to talk through the challenges modern enterprises face — and how identity can help solve those challenges. And this year’s event was no different. Increased cloud and mobile adoption are the usual suspects, but a new wrinkle was on everybody’s mind this year: managing the identities of “non-employees,…

Make Us Your To-Do List: 5 Reasons to Choose Okta

Busy day? We know you’re probably reading this right now while avoiding an epic Monday to-do list. If “streamline my IT operations system and move to the cloud” is on that to-do list, then you stumbled upon the perfect place to procrastinate. Our customers love to talk about how we’ve helped them manage the same task so, in the spirit of lists…

(Mis)understanding the Pace of Change in Enterprise Software

In a recent article in AllThingsD, Okta CEO Todd McKinnon, explains why the pace of change is so often misunderstood in enterprise software — and the implications that has for CEOs setting company strategy and VCs investing in new technologies. There are massive changes taking place in the enterprise, but legacy software is still a reality for…

App Roulette: Jump Start Your Day!

At Okta, we are fully committed to increasing the security and productivity of our users. In fact, it’s the driving force of our business. Today we are proud to announce our latest and most innovative feature in pursuit of this goal —App Roulette! App Roulette will revolutionize the way you access your applications. Okta is already helping…

ADFS: A Four-Letter Word to Avoid in the Enterprise

Since its introduction with Windows Server 2008, Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0 has been Microsoft’s answer to extending enterprise identity beyond the firewall. However, building an identity management solution with the AD FS toolkit has many hidden costs. While AD FS solves some identity challenges for Microsoft’s product…

Staying on the (Leading) Edge of Things at RSA

RSA can be intimidating for first-time attendees – and this year’s event was no different. Walking the exhibit floor (all 700,000 square feet of it) is nearly a full-day experience on its own. And when you consider the bright oversized logos and crowded aisles, loud conversations, booth crawls and tchotchkes galore, it can be overwhelming for the…

Securing Layer 7: The Closest Point to the End User

Building and maintaining Okta’s security program is an interesting job, to say the least. The stakes are high: Not only is identity management core to IT, it is central to an enterprise’s security. Plus, Okta delivers IDM from the cloud, so between mobile devices, third-party partners and the inherent security concerns associated with user habits,…

Why Ex-Entrepreneurs Make the Best Venture Capitalists

Are ex-entrepreneurs best equipped to succeed as venture capitalists? That’s the topic of the week over at the Wall Street Journal’s ‘Accelerators’ blog, and I weigh in: When Investing in CEOs, It Takes One to Know One. Successful VCs come in all shades but, in my mind, those who have started their own companies have a little something extra in…
