Company + Product

Company + Product

Box: Building a Rich Content User Experience with Okta

You could say life in the cloud is addictive -- and when it comes to Box, which is all about user experience, even the little details like accessing the platform matter. To ensure this collaborative experience was as secure and seamless for its users as possible, Box went looking for a partner to help them with their user identity management. We…

Integrate More Applications into Okta’s Application Network

The consumerization of applications and devices is changing the way businesses approach technology. Companies are putting people first, placing emphasis on the user experience rather than the technology itself. IT departments are seeing an even greater proliferation of specialized applications, helping each user be as productive and efficient as…

Okta Highlights from 2013: A Year in Numbers

2013 included many milestones for Okta. We made the leap across the pond to open our first international office in London. Our co-founders were on mainstream TV for the first time – featured on CNBC’s Squawk Box and on Bloomberg Taking Stock. We hosted our inaugural user conference Oktane13, released numerous product features and expanded the…

Customer Success: More Than Answering the Phone

When Okta’s co-founders set out to build a product that would help businesses adopt cloud and mobile technology, they started by asking CIOs about the challenges they faced adopting cloud. They worked off of constant feedback, evolving the product to best fit the customers’ needs -- and this focus on customer success, feedback and collaboration…

Identity is Hot: Highlights from Our Inaugural User Conference #Oktane13

Last month, we held our inaugural user conference Oktane13 in San Francisco. The 500+ attendees made the event a huge success. We heard from our co-founder and CEO Todd McKinnon how transformative forces like cloud and mobile are bringing people to the focus of enterprise technology, and why the way we approach our IT has fundamentally changed. We…

People First, Technology Second

Over the past few years, we’ve seen several forces – namely, the shift to cloud and mobile computing – transform how we approach IT to focus it less on the technology itself and more on the people using it. During his opening keynote at our inaugural user conference, Oktane13, our CEO and co-founder, Todd McKinnon, discussed how these changes put…

An Even More Open, People-Centric Okta

Today at our inaugural user conference Oktane13, we proudly announced a set of features that open and extend the value of the Okta service. It’s all part of our goal to securely connect every application, user and device in the enterprise. Over the past four years, we’ve built an extensive network of more than 3,000 applications, 500 enterprise…

JiveWorld 2013: Changing the Way We Work

Last week Okta sponsored JiveWorld 13 for the first time. Not only were we Gold sponsors, but we were also able to interact with 20 Jive partners and 2,000+ attendees. And the timing of the show couldn’t have been better, as the week before we announced our strategic alliance with Jive to help our joint customers and future customers increase how…
