Company + Product

Company + Product

Our New Site: Bringing User Centricity to Everything We Do

You’ve heard us talk a lot about our focus on our users lately. From Todd’s keynote at Oktane13 to our participation in the User-Centric IT consortium and the roll-out of Okta’s new user experience, it’s easy to see that we’re committed to making Okta a simple, easy-to-use service for our enterprise customers looking to securely connect their…

Why Your Boss Needs to Send You To #Oktane14

Maybe you attended Oktane13 last year. Maybe your IT department recently adopted Okta and you want to learn more about identity management. Or maybe you heard about last year's customer appreciation party. Whatever the reason, you’re interested in attending Okta’s second annual user conference, Oktane14, and we don’t blame you. Much like this…

Microsoft When You Need It: Office 365 Rollout Recommendations

From writing a high school essay to creating a sales pitch deck, it feels like we’ve come of age with Microsoft Office. It’s that trusted friend you can always count on when you need to create a detailed chart or engaging presentation, and now with Microsoft’s productivity suite available in the cloud through Microsoft Office 365, it’s become even…

Making Identity Management "Business as Usual" Down Under: Thoughts on Our Expansion to Asia Pacific

There’s been a lot of coverage recently surrounding our $75 million Series E funding, however amidst the excitement, you may have missed that we also opened a brand new HQ in Sydney, Australia. This HQ gives us the flexibility to not only build a dynamic sales and technical office to service Australia and New Zealand, but also grow across Asia…

The Okta Expansion Pack: A New and Improved Okta Solutions Provider Partner Program

The expansion pack: a highly anticipated boost to your favorite game. You thought things couldn’t be better until you added the Seafarers Extension to your “Settlers of Catan,” allowing you to have more players and a bigger, more complex board – or the add-on to your favorite Xbox game, offering a new world to explore through an easy download…

Debuting Okta's New UX: Focused, Simple and Delightful

The average end user probably doesn’t realize the amount of time and energy that the typical design team puts into defining their values. Our team considers our design principles – focus, simplicity and delight – with every decision we make, and they were certainly not forgotten when designing our new end-user experience (which is now available)…

Welcome to the Enterprise Identity Network: Oktane14 Registration & Call For Speakers Now Open

Mark your calendars. Oktane14, Okta’s second annual user conference, is coming -- and registration and our Call for Speakers is now open. The event will take place Monday, November 10 - Wednesday, November 12 at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco and will feature speakers from Okta’s extensive product, partner and customer Enterprise Identity…
