Company + Product

Company + Product

From Zero to IPO: A New Podcast for Entrepreneurs

A lot can change in ten years. When Todd and I decided to start a company together in 2009, we were two entrepreneurs with a check from Ben Horowitz (we were a16z’s first cloud investment), some borrowed desks in Jawbone’s office, and a name — SaaSure — that we quickly replaced. After 10 years of blood, sweat and a few tears, Okta has evolved into…

Growing our San Francisco Base: Welcome to our New HQ

2018 was an exciting year for Okta. Of course, we hosted President Barack Obama as a keynote speaker at Oktane18, and made a number of product and partnership announcements, but for the Workplace Services team, it was all about expanding to new offices in Toronto, Paris, Stockholm and Washington DC and doubling our footprint in San Jose. Now, to…

2018 in Review: Bringing Identity Mainstream

In 2018, identity became more important than ever before. Innovation raced ahead, but privacy concerns and mistrust in the technology industry also mounted. These shifts raised new questions about how we define our identities, who will own them, and how we can protect them. Because of this, our mission to securely connect any person to any…

Investing in Local Talent As Okta’s Footprint Expands

We’ve experienced significant growth at Okta over the past year — not only in my world of social impact, but across the board. We expanded our customer base, launched new products, built partnerships, added employees and opened new offices around the world. When we open offices in new cities and regions, the Okta community grows. And it presents a…

Meet the Experts: Dave Fend

Dave Fend is a SaaS veteran, working in the identity and the access management space for over 17 years. With Okta, he has helped to implement millions of identities around the world, and dozens of complex enterprise customers. With the recent news of the CA Siteminder acquisition, we thought it was a great time to sit down with him and get his…

Keys to a Successful, Modern Migration Strategy

There is a revolution going on in IT and application development, and flexibility and efficiency are at the core of this change. Legacy systems cannot keep up, and the only way to maintain or thrive in this new environment is to buy, whole-heartedly, into modern IT options. Taking advantage of these modern options requires a move from an on…

Why I Chose Okta: Expanding Our Horizons in Asia Pacific

It’s been four months since I started my role as General Manager (GM) of Asia Pacific for Okta, and I’ve finally settled in. Speaking from experience, I know I have my work cut out for me: there’s been no low-hanging fruit to tackle first and foremost, no obvious fix to tweak or revamp. At Okta, I’ve joined a team that has already tackled the most…
