Company + Product

Company + Product

Meet Our New Product Series: The Production Line

  At Okta, we are passionate about customer success and driving your organization forward with technology that makes you more successful, secure and productive. This year, in celebration of our 10th Anniversary, we reflected on the evolution of the product, and today, we’re launching a new monthly product series that dives into our desire to…

Behind-the-Scenes: How I Prepared for my #Oktane19 Keynote

Last week, we hosted our seventh-annual Oktane conference, back in our hometown of San Francisco. Each year, I kick things off with our Welcome Keynote where we share Okta’s vision and demonstrate our new products and functionality. While my contribution to the keynote happens in just an hour and a half on the mainstage, it takes months of work…

Shaping the Future of Identity: Introducing Okta Ventures

At Okta, our vision has always been to enable any organization to use any technology. And from day one, the team has been focused on developing innovative solutions that revolutionize identity in the enterprise. Today, I’m excited to announce that we’re furthering this vision by launching a $50 million investment fund: Okta Ventures. With Okta…

Trust is the New Frontier: The Okta Identity Cloud’s Role

In 2011, Marc Andreessen voiced his prediction that software was eating the world. At the time, this was a bold claim. But, today at Oktane19, we discussed that your company already is a technology company, and that comes with both the benefits and challenges technology companies face. While undergoing digital transformation is a necessity, it…

The Digital Enterprise Report: Survey reveals the IT, technology, and security strategies driving the world’s largest organizations

The role of technology leaders today is more important than ever before. They have to manage everything from changing workforce dynamics and shifting business objectives to the technologies disrupting their industries — and they’re responsible for implementing strategies that help their companies succeed, both in the eyes of their customers and…

Risk-Based Authentication: Because You Shouldn't have to Choose Between Security and Usability

Balancing security with usability is a challenge that countless organizations face—both for their customers and for their workforces. We know that making both IT teams and end users happy is no easy task, which is why we are excited to announce that Risk-Based Authentication is now Generally Available for all Okta customers. The Ongoing Struggle:…

Hello, Okta Advanced Server Access

We’re excited to launch Okta Advanced Server Access, a new product available today that brings continuous, contextual access management to secure cloud infrastructure. Advanced Server Access centralizes access controls for organizations leveraging on-premises, hybrid, and cloud infrastructure in a seamless manner to mitigate the risk of credential…

Okta Hooks: Unlock Extensibility

There have historically been two types of integration in the Okta Integration Network: single sign-on for access and lifecycle management for provisioning and deprovisioning. Today, we’re pleased to launch a new, third type of integration: Okta Hooks. Okta Hooks enables customers to use their own code to easily customize Okta policies and…
