Company + Product

Company + Product

Key Steps for Optimizing Full-Circle Identity Processes

Our last post on identity lifecycle management (LCM) covered common scenarios and actionable tips for perfecting your approach to managing identity data. This week, we’ll review some recommendations for automating employee lifecycle tasks surrounding what’s commonly referred to as “joiner, mover, leaver” (JML) processes. Many IT teams struggle…

What Is SAML and How Does It Work?

SAML stands for Security Assertion Markup Language, an open standard that passes authorization credentials from identity providers (IdPs) to service providers (SPs). Put simply, it enables secure communication between applications and allows users to gain access with a single set of credentials. Before we can dive too deeply into what SAML is used…

Byte-Sized Video: Don’t Limit the Scope of Your SSO and MFA

No matter how much you may love your users, you can’t trust all of them. With so many individuals and devices accessing your apps, and requests coming from various networks, there’s a real risk of bad actors slipping through the cracks. Single-sign on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) are must-haves when it comes to modern security. To…

How to Navigate Ever-Changing Identity Data

As we discussed in our first post, 4 Ways to Elevate Your Identity Game with Lifecycle Management, one of your first hurdles during an identity initiative often surrounds the management of your identity data. This challenge can be mitigated by moving towards a single source of truth for, not just your employees, but also contractors, partners, and…

Securing Data Across APAC: Achieving APEC PRP Certification

At Okta, trust and transparency are core to who we are as a company. These values critically inform the way we view our responsibilities to our customers and to the personal data of their users that they entrust to Okta. The keystone of our transparency is providing our customers with a clear understanding of how we collect, process, and secure…

4 Ways to Elevate Your Identity Game with Lifecycle Management

All types of companies struggle to keep up with the increasing pace of change in today’s business environment, especially as dynamic workforces become more prevalent. At the same time, employee, partner, and customer expectations for frictionless (but still secure) experiences are soaring. In this 5-part blog series, we’ll review the pivotal role…
