Company + Product

Company + Product

Get Involved with Oktane21: Share Your Identity Story

The innovation and vision of Okta customers is what drives our product road map. Their rigorous requirements and need to securely connect people and technology sit at the foundation of our business and product strategy. Each year at Oktane, we share our latest product announcements and innovations, and are joined by customers who share their…

OAG + HealthInsight: Proactively Audit and Secure On-Prem Apps

At Okta, we love to secure access to everything from a single platform. This, of course, includes on-premises apps. As spoiled here, our specialists wanted to weigh in on how OAG is at its best when paired with the features that make up the Okta platform. In other words, we’re giving you the Secret Sauce! This month, Senior Curriculum Developer,…

One-Minute Webinar: How Okta Is Embracing Dynamic Work

Office spaces have always been designed to encourage productivity—and yet, no single desk arrangement has stood the test of time. Back in the 1950s, for example, the assembly lines at Ford inspired organizations to experiment with open floor plans. When that proved ineffective for white-collar workers, cubicles took hold in the late ‘80s and ‘90s…

Okta Gives You Freedom and Flexibility—Here’s How

In today’s digital environment, identity is at the center of everything. That’s why we’ve made it our mandate to provide customers with an identity platform that gives them the freedom and flexibility to choose. Our goal is to enable organizations so that they can securely adopt best-of-breed technologies, retire cumbersome, legacy systems, and…
