Company + Product

Company + Product

5 Signs Your Login Page May Need a Makeover

Customer expectations are higher than ever. UX stats show, 88% of online shoppers say that, after having a bad user experience, they wouldn’t return to a website. Customers expect a tailored digital experience that’s secure, but also allows them access to the applications they need—from whichever device is nearby.  To that end, your application's…

Announcing the Latest Impact Report From Okta For Good

From the moment Okta for Good was founded, its mission became a core part of Okta’s purpose—and that mission has never felt more vital and urgent than it does now. Our world today is facing numerous challenges, from rising economic inequality and racial injustice to climate change and the ongoing global pandemic. These issues don’t occur in…

Okta’s Identity Cloud is Giving Federal Agencies the Building Blocks of a Zero Trust Journey

It’s been a long, long road….. Journeys are interesting things. You sometimes fail to realize you’re on a journey until the journey is over and you look back and say “Wow, I’ve come a long way”. Sometimes you know you’re on a journey but it’s hard to see where it might take you. The journey to a higher level of security (sometimes referred to as …

The State of Inclusion at Okta: Working to Make Today More Inclusive and Tomorrow More Equitable

Earlier today we released our second State of Inclusion report. This annual report is built on the foundations of our core values of transparency and integrity, a truly critical part of Okta's Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB) journey.  At Okta, we know that change starts from within, and we’re committed to doing the work it takes to…

Branding and Customizations Made Easy

Your brand is important. It’s a standard you uphold to communicate your company values and a message you’re sending to the world. Executing well on your brand means that you can efficiently apply your brand, voice, and design system to all of your user-facing properties and touchpoints. This includes publishing your logo, favicon, brand colors,…
