Company + Product

Company + Product

Here’s How to Resist Phishing in a Heterogeneous Workforce

Here’s How to Resist Phishing in a Heterogeneous Workforce Organizations manage a broad ecosystem of users, from employees and contractors using the same access points to business partners collaborating throughout the supply chain. How do you keep this dynamic world connected, flowing, and, most importantly, safe from social engineering, like…

Okta Unveils Bold Brand Evolution 

A brand is a promise. It’s a commitment you make, expressed through sights and sounds and stories, about who your company is and why it exists—your vision, values, ambitions. And over time, as your ambitions evolve, it’s only natural that your brand should evolve too.  This week at Oktane22, our annual conference, we announced our brand purpose:…

Behind the Scenes of Our Brand Evolution

This week at Oktane22, our annual conference, we announced Okta’s brand purpose: to build a world where Identity belongs to you. It’s a bold ambition, the product of months of thoughtful work by countless contributors across our company. (Read more about why we’re evolving the Okta brand.) With this new purpose in mind, we set out to elevate how…

A Deep Dive Into Okta FastPass

This blog post is the second in a series focusing on credential phishing. Previously, in the blog The Need for Phishing-Resistant Multi-Factor Authentication, Mukul Hinge explained how threat actors are becoming more sophisticated, using various tools to overcome mitigations. Today’s post digs into the inner workings of Okta FastPass, explaining…

Modern, Secure Access for On-Prem Apps with Okta Access Gateway

80% of the organizations are operating a hybrid IT model, according to the 2022 Flexera State of the Cloud Report. For many of these organizations, identity is playing a pivotal role in simplifying IT operations, enabling superior end user experience, and upholding security posture. Innovators such as Avery Dennison are using Okta Access Gateway…

Cyber Security Awareness Month: 4 Ways to Participate

We live in a world of modern digital companies and users have never had so much freedom. We can build anything with cloud apps and services. We can work from anywhere. Learn from anywhere. Shop and surf from anywhere, on any device. But so can the bad guys. What is Cyber Security Awareness Month? Back in 2004 when more of the global interactions…

Take it From a Global Marketing Leader: Identity Matters

“Hello, give me your name, address, shoe size, motorcycle and boots.” Now, we can all agree that approaching a first date like you’re the Terminator is not going to go very well. No one likes to be bombarded with personal questions as soon as they sit down — let alone by a stranger they’ve just met. Yet this is how most brands approach those first…
