We’re Looking at the Future, and It Doesn't Have Passwords

We’re rapidly moving towards the enterprise of the future—but what does that look like? It could be a place where employees have intelligent interactions with machines, or an environment where commuting becomes obsolete because we can show up to meetings as holograms. No one can say for sure what the future looks like—but based on today’s trends,…

How Do I Connect to Partner Identity Sources?

It’s better to be a specialist than a generalist: when you try to be good at too many things, you end up being great at nothing—and that’s why organizations today use a wide ecosystem of partner companies. Businesses across all industries are engaging with hundreds , if not thousands, of third-party entities each year—and for these relationships…

Okta’s Core Values: Love Our Customers with Alexia Case

Our customers are at the heart of what we do, which is why “Love our customers” tops our list of core values. In this edition of our Core Values series, we’re excited to highlight Alexia Case, senior marketing manager, executive and strategic programs. Alexia embodies “Love our customers” daily through managing Okta’s Customer Experience Center,…

Memoirs and Memories: Your Story Inspires with Quyen Tien

Quyen Tien, product recruiter and Okta for Good ambassador, is a daughter of immigrants and the first female college graduate in her family. In this edition of Your Story Inspires, Quyen shares how her background gave her the strength to embrace her ever-changing identity, and even write about her experiences in her personal memoir, Don’t Pinch. …

Passwordless Authentication: Where to start

Let’s face it: we’re all tired of passwords. They’re a major pain for users and not nearly as effective at securing accounts as they pretend to be. Thankfully, there is a better way! We are excited to announce a new set of passwordless capabilities in Okta that will allow you to deliver seamless auth experiences to all users! In this post, we’ll…

How Our Core Values Shape Our Identity

Some business’ core values have become very well-known, or even iconic—remember Google’s original code of conduct, “Don’t Be Evil”? It’s pithy and impactful, yet also vague and conceptual. This statement has since been altered to a more democratic, “You can make money without doing evil.” After all, there’s something to be said for having guiding…


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