Want to Secure Your APIs? You’ll Need OAuth 2.0 for That

We’re experiencing the rise of the API economy. Whether it’s for a backend system, partner-facing website, or a mobile application designed for customers, companies rely on APIs to share data with more end users than ever before. Unfortunately, APIs are proving to be a major point of vulnerability. This stems primarily from the fact that APIs are…

What Are the Elements of Identity Proofing?

This series aims to help companies understand the basics of identity proofing and implement it effectively. In our first post, we explored how identity proofing has been defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). We also contextualized it within how companies validate the identities of their customers and prevent modern…

Okta’s Core Values: Act with Integrity with Micah Silverman

Integrity defines all that we do. Our third core value is to “Act with integrity” and treat our customers, partners, and communities with respect. Micah Silverman, senior developer advocate, has embodied this core value while on three different teams at Okta. Currently, Micah serves as a trustworthy developer evangelism speaker that is always…

SecurityInsights: Protection at the Admin, User, and Network levels

Modern organizations are adopting new technologies more rapidly than ever before, and their increasingly mobile workforces — which include not only employees, but external contractors and partners — have expanded far beyond office walls. Today’s organizations face progressively complex security challenges, and must maintain a posture that offers…

9 Admin Best Practices to Keep your Org Secure

When implementing security policies across an organization, most administrators want to adhere to industry best practices. But that’s not as easy as it may seem: the threat landscape isn’t static — it’s changing day by day. What were once considered the best practices for security configurations, including password policies and MFA requirements,…

Centralized Access Management Needs to Be Secure and Selective

Give a kid free reign in a candy shop, and you know what will happen. They won't fill their bag with gummy bears alone—they’ll go for a mix of different treats! Gummy worms, sour patches, peanut butter cups, M&Ms, you know the list. Much like a kid in a candy shop, the modern employee now demands the freedom to use best of breed applications…


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