Every Vote Matters: Access Registration Resources Through Okta

Voter turnout has long been a problem in the United States. Our political participation trails far behind other developed countries. An estimated 93 million eligible voters did not vote in the 2012 presidential election, and almost 92 million eligible Americans did not turnout to vote in the 2016 presidential race. As the fight against COVID-19…

Magic Links: Passwordless Login for Your Users

Magic links are a form of passwordless login. Instead of the user entering any login credentials to sign in, they are sent a URL with an embedded token via email, and sometimes via SMS. Once the user clicks that link to authenticate, they are redirected back to the application or system having successfully signed in—as if they used a “magic”…

Driving Success with Customer First

If you’re an Okta customer, you know that one of our core values is to make every Okta customer successful. Our Customer First team digs deep, employing a conceptual framework that, according to Hewlett Packard, FedEx and many other customers, ensures continued success. Scroll down to take in our Learn/Deploy/Adopt/Grow services framework. Not an…

What Is Best-of-Breed Technology?

“Best-of-breed technology” refers to the leading applications, systems, or software in a niche or category.  When organizations take a best-of-breed (or “best-in-breed technology”) approach to building their technology stack, it involves selecting various tools that serve specific purposes. Put another way, instead of purchasing a product suite…

One-Minute Webinar: How Okta Is Embracing Dynamic Work

Office spaces have always been designed to encourage productivity—and yet, no single desk arrangement has stood the test of time. Back in the 1950s, for example, the assembly lines at Ford inspired organizations to experiment with open floor plans. When that proved ineffective for white-collar workers, cubicles took hold in the late ‘80s and ‘90s…

Okta Gives You Freedom and Flexibility—Here’s How

In today’s digital environment, identity is at the center of everything. That’s why we’ve made it our mandate to provide customers with an identity platform that gives them the freedom and flexibility to choose. Our goal is to enable organizations so that they can securely adopt best-of-breed technologies, retire cumbersome, legacy systems, and…

Modernizing Government Agencies: Delivering Frictionless Experiences to Citizens, Quickly and Securely

Doing our errands looks a lot different now than it did a few years ago, and not just because of the COVID-19 pandemic (though that has certainly accelerated things). For a while now, we’ve been ordering groceries online, paying bills on a banking app, and even checking in with our doctor from the comfort of home. With so many digital experiences…

Founders in Focus: Bob Moore of Crossbeam

Welcome to our Founders in Focus series, where each month we highlight one of the founders of Okta Ventures’ portfolio companies. You’ll learn more about them and how they work with Okta. This month we’re speaking with Bob Moore, founder of Crossbeam. What is Crossbeam and what is your mission? Crossbeam is a partner ecosystem platform. We act as…


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