The Power and Responsibility of your API

While the internet lights up with terrifying costume ideas every October, what we find truly scary are the security breaches that have hit major companies in recent months. Luckily, we have National Cybersecurity Awareness month to provide focus and resources toward a safe and secure internet. To celebrate and observe the month, our diverse team…

A Vision for the Future: Women @ Okta Take on Grace Hopper Celebration

The question I’m asked most frequently is, “What is it like to be a women in tech?” When they find out I work in engineering they are even more curious. “Is that challenging for you?” “Is there gender bias?” “Do you find it tiring to be surrounded by men all day?” I always want to answer that I don’t see a difference. That my teammates and…

Women on Board: Okta + Athena Alliance Discuss the Importance of Diversity in the Modern Boardroom

Women hold 22% of the board seats at S&P 500 companies, but only 11% of board seats in companies with less than $1B in market cap. Last week, we co-hosted an event with the Athena Alliance exploring how we increase those numbers. We discussed the changing roles and focus of the modern boardroom — and the work we can do together to bring more…

A Tool to Strengthen Your Password Manager

Password managers, such as Okta Browser Plugin can defend against phishing attacks. However, to prevent the compromise of passwords, password managers need to be hardened against attacks that confuse them into misidentifying websites. To help achieve this, the Okta Research and Exploitation team (REX) has created a tool, hack_url_re, to…

The Battle Between Build vs. Buy

Every development team must decide which components to build in-house and which to offload to a 3rd party vendor. This decision is often difficult and hotly debated. After all, most developers chose this career in order to build cool things! Choosing to relinquish that control to buy a solution can seem contrary to their raison d’etre. But…

The Okta Help Center — New and Improved

Customer success is our #1 value at Okta and drives every decision we make. The Okta Help Center (OHC) is at the heart of delivering on our mission to make every customer successful. As a central hub where you can 1. get product questions answered, 2. share your ideas for new features, and 3. network with fellow Okta admins, the OHC is where…


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