The Account Takeover Grinch that Stole Christmas

This festive season is an exciting time for consumers, and offers huge profit potential for retailers. Holiday retail sales for 2018 are set to surge by 4.1% over the same period last year. In addition, e-commerce sales are predicted to climb by an impressive 16.2%! Merchants that capitalize on this sales opportunity could enjoy a large bonus…

Build vs. Buy: The Value of MFA Implementation Through APIs and SDKs

Developers need to make their cloud-native applications secure, which can demand a lot of resources and take their focus off the core functionality of an app. But building security into an app doesn’t need to be challenging or time-consuming. Leveraging APIs and SDKs means developers can strengthen an app while actually reducing their workload. By…

When Scaling IT, Knowing Where to Automate Is Key

Star Trek fans: It’s time for your IT department to boldly go where no IT department has gone before.... For years, the head of IT played the role of Scotty, the long-suffering engineer aboard Captain Kirk’s starship Enterprise. The job was to keep the engines running while the folks on the bridge came up with the strategy. As today’s companies…

FACT OR FICTION: SSO Is the Same as a Password Manager

  At Okta, we are highly invested in the latest ideas and practices around authentication and security—and that requires some myth busting. This blog is the first in a series of posts meant to tackle common misunderstandings and myths around Single Sign-On (SSO). See below for our full list of the myths we've seen (and busted!) around SSO. Single…

Throw No Stones at Facebook

People who live in glass houses, probably shouldn’t throw stones. Over the last month, many organizations and thought leaders have lined up to criticize Facebook over their recent breach. While I agree with them — it was pretty bad, I propose that we also take a step back to look at the bigger picture. In actuality, Facebook should be commended on…

A Data Breach Risk Assessment Checklist

When it comes to data security, there’s no such thing as too big to fail. Chances are, if you’ve switched on the news recently you’ve heard of at least one high-profile data breach. Perhaps of even greater concern is that a few large organizations have fallen victim to multiple data breaches in the past few years. This is a surefire sign that…


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