The Connective Tissue: How APIs Drive Business Growth

Most of the pivotal developments in human history have facilitated better connection. From written language to the Gutenberg printing press, whenever we improve our communication, society as a whole leaps forward. In the digital era, the internet revolutionized our lives by enabling instant global communication. This paved the way for what could…

One-Minute Webinar: Zero Trust in Practice

Too busy to watch the Zero Trust in Practice webinar? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. There’s a lot of hype around Zero Trust security, but it’s proving to be more than just theory. Trust used to be a binary decision determined by the network, but as organizations move to mobile and cloud based services, the perimeter as we knew it has…

GDPR, Privacy and Consent Management: How Okta Can Support Your CIAM Requirements

Beginning on May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became officially enforceable. This new regulation is now top of mind for any organization storing and processing EU citizen data. Consumer-facing apps and sites are of particular sensitivity. The challenge is that while the GDPR provides guidelines for compliance, it is not…

Investigating Modlishka Credential Attacks: Old Dog, New Tricks

You may have heard about a new phishing tool called Modlishka, and have questions about its potential impact on multi-factor authentication or single sign-on. To be clear, Modlishka is not a vulnerability in MFA or SSO. Rather, it is an automation tool designed to make it easier for attackers to phish your employees. In this post, I will outline…

Cybersecurity and the Unexpected Consequences of the Government Shutdown

On December 22, 2018, the U.S. government instituted a partial shutdown when Congress failed to approve an appropriations bill. The consequences of this lapse in funding are obvious and very visible, from parks closed due to lack of trash collection, to the suspension of key services like federal housing loans. In today’s heavily connected and…

An Insider’s Take on API Strategy

We recently performed a survey to take the pulse of our community on their own API strategies. Our goal was to change and possibly debunk our own assumptions, and replace them with real-world perspectives from customers and partners working on these things day in and day out. In short, we validated that the fast adoption and sheer volume of APIs…

FACT OR FICTION: SSO is Difficult to Deploy

At Okta, we are highly invested in sharing the latest ideas and practices around authentication and security—and that requires some myth busting. This blog is the fourth in a series of posts meant to tackle common misunderstandings and myths around single sign-on (SSO). See below for our full list of the myths we've seen (and busted!) around SSO…

Growing our San Francisco Base: Welcome to our New HQ

2018 was an exciting year for Okta. Of course, we hosted President Barack Obama as a keynote speaker at Oktane18, and made a number of product and partnership announcements, but for the Workplace Services team, it was all about expanding to new offices in Toronto, Paris, Stockholm and Washington DC and doubling our footprint in San Jose. Now, to…


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