9 Admin Best Practices to Keep your Org Secure

When implementing security policies across an organization, most administrators want to adhere to industry best practices. But that’s not as easy as it may seem: the threat landscape isn’t static — it’s changing day by day. What were once considered the best practices for security configurations, including password policies and MFA requirements,…

SecurityInsights: Protection at the Admin, User, and Network levels

Modern organizations are adopting new technologies more rapidly than ever before, and their increasingly mobile workforces — which include not only employees, but external contractors and partners — have expanded far beyond office walls. Today’s organizations face progressively complex security challenges, and must maintain a posture that offers…

Centralized Access Management Needs to Be Secure and Selective

Give a kid free reign in a candy shop, and you know what will happen. They won't fill their bag with gummy bears alone—they’ll go for a mix of different treats! Gummy worms, sour patches, peanut butter cups, M&Ms, you know the list. Much like a kid in a candy shop, the modern employee now demands the freedom to use best of breed applications…

A Whole New Way to Be a Part of Oktane: YOUR Story on Stage

Celebrating customer success is something that comes naturally to us. It’s a habit we’ve embedded into everything we do—even our annual conference! Since our first Oktane, the conference has evolved to become one of the biggest industry events for IT experts, security professionals, and business decision makers across all fields and functions. And…

Okta London Circle: Scaling the Global community of Oktanauts

Throughout the different cultures and geographies of the world, inclusion and belonging have differing interpretations and approaches. So it’s important for Okta to recognize and value these variations while nurturing a global community of Oktanauts. In honor of that ideal, we’ve launched Okta London Circle—to build a stronger glocal (global+local…

Okta Showcase: Highlighting Our Culture of Innovation

Since its inception, Okta has been known for its innovation. We were the first company to treat identity as an independent platform, recognizing its power within the increasingly cloud-centric enterprise and its integral role in digital customer experiences. We’ve continued to drive the Okta Identity Cloud forward, enabling any organization to…

Partnering with Atlassian to Drive Cloud Adoption and Customer Success

Today, technology and consumer expectations are evolving faster than organizations can adapt. We’ve entered an era of Digital Darwinism: since 2000, 52% of companies in the Fortune 500 have either gone bankrupt, been acquired, or ceased to exist as a result of digital disruption, making today’s organizations feel the pressure to “adapt or die.”…

Showcasing Customer Momentum with Okta Access Gateway: Hybrid IT for the World’s Largest Organizations

In order to stay competitive in today’s modern world, organizations need to effectively leverage technology. That’s why they’re adopting more cloud applications than ever before: according to our most recent Businesses @ Work report, large companies are deploying 163 apps on average. And over the past four years, our large customers have increased…

Why It’s Time to Break Up with Active Directory

Do you still use a cell phone designed in 1999? Would you risk letting your teenager drive a 20-year-old car with 20-year-old airbags? Probably not. In an era of innovation and disruption, leading companies pride themselves on constantly adopting new and better technologies. So why is it that some of those same enterprises continue to rely on…


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