Change Starts from Within: How Tech Pathways Week Strengthens Okta’s Community 

Job seeking during COVID isn’t easy. Applicants are faced with a more volatile economic environment, virtual networking events and interviews, and the need to create genuine connections—often without ever meeting someone face-to-face. 2020 has been taxing on everyone, but it has disproportionately impacted underrepresented minorities. Never has…

A Message From POC@Okta Leadership: Here’s How Your Vote Counts

Okta’s passion for the democratic process starts at the top, with our CEO Todd McKinnon, who understands that every identity and voice must be represented in the voting process. As an organization, Okta has taken steps to make voting easier by rolling out a app—connecting employees and customers to a public website to help find voter…

The Dogfooding Chronicles: Make Workflows do the Work

If you’ve checked out Dogfooding Chronicles past, you’ll know we’re all about efficiency. We've explained how to use automation to manage app access through tools like Workday (as a source), and Okta features like Group Rules and Group Push. In this post, I’d like to focus on one of Okta’s newest products we’ve been dogfooding, that boosts…

What Are ICAM and FICAM?

For organizations and government agencies alike, strong identity management is paramount. Millions of people share sensitive, personal information with commercial and public bodies every day, so companies and public sector agencies have a responsibility to secure their assets.  This is where ICAM and FICAM come in. What is ICAM? Identity,…

Establishing Zero Trust Security, One Step at a Time

Yesterday, implementing Zero Trust security was important—today, it’s an imperative. Tomorrow, organizations that still haven’t rethought their security strategies  could be left in the dust. But there’s still a chance to get ahead without investing in all the infrastructure you need at once; once you start the journey, it’s easy to continuously…

What Is SMS Authentication and Is It Secure?

SMS authentication—also known as SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA) and SMS one-time password (OTP)—allows users to verify their identities with a code that is sent to them via text message. A form of two-factor authentication, it often acts as a second verifier for users to gain access to a network, system, or application, and is a good…

Strengthening Customer Experience in a Time of Recovery with Identity

It’s no secret that customer behavior is constantly evolving. But the changes we’ve seen in the last seven months and the acceleration of customers adopting digital-first experiences for nearly every aspect of their life is unprecedented. And this trend is only going to continue, creating a need for customers to navigate digital touchpoints in a…

What is Zero Trust Security?

Zero Trust is a security framework based on the belief that every user, device, and IP address accessing a resource is a threat until proven otherwise. Under the concept of “never trust, always verify,” it requires that security teams implement strict access controls and verify anything that tries to connect to an enterprise’s network. Coined in…


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