Okta’s Identity Cloud is Giving Federal Agencies the Building Blocks of a Zero Trust Journey

It’s been a long, long road….. Journeys are interesting things. You sometimes fail to realize you’re on a journey until the journey is over and you look back and say “Wow, I’ve come a long way”. Sometimes you know you’re on a journey but it’s hard to see where it might take you. The journey to a higher level of security (sometimes referred to as …

Reflections on Security: Looking Ahead

As we continue deeper into 2022, facing many of the challenges we saw in 2021 (see Reflections on Security: Looking Back at 2021), optimism may seem difficult. How do we know the next evolution of identity and security practices will be enough? And this time of year always sees a flurry of predictions on what trends will emerge and what should be…

Reflections on Security: Looking Back at 2021

As we exited a difficult 2020, we did so with lessons and learnings we were hoping would guide us better in 2021. There was a new focus towards a hybrid working environment that was also secure. This shift required a modernization of infrastructures, the adoption of new technologies, and innovative ways to automate, orchestrate, and reduce overall…

Businesses at Work 2022: Familiar Players in a Changing Landscape

Today, we released the findings from our eighth annual Businesses at Work report, our yearly exploration of how organizations and people work today. For many of us, 2021 felt like a continuation of the challenges of 2020—a year stuck in limbo. However, the most innovative companies found ways to push forward and evolve. Our data shows that…

One-Minute Webinar: Better Patient Experiences in Healthcare

Okta’s Better Patient Experiences webinar explores how healthcare organizations can invest in the digital front door to increase patient engagement and reduce barriers patients face today accessing their data. Read on for some of the key points of the event.  Healthcare’s major driver: patient demands Investing in the modern consumer experience is…

Here’s How We’re Playing Our Part to Combat Climate Change

Last year, the United Nations described climate change as the defining crisis of our time. UN Secretary-General António Guterres called it Code Red for Humanity, stating that “we must act decisively now…Inclusive and green economies, prosperity, cleaner air, and better health are possible for all if we respond to this crisis with solidarity and…


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