Tackling Operational Sustainability at Okta: An Intern's Experience

As a graduate student in a dual MBA and Master’s program in Environment and Sustainability, I sought an internship where I could apply my sustainability knowledge to existing business practices. During my interviews, I witnessed Okta outlining their strategy to address climate change and hoped to collaborate on the transformation. The Okta…

Okta Completes Security Action Plan

Security and protecting customer data remain Okta’s highest priorities. In April, we released our Security Action Plan, detailing our commitment to security on behalf of our customers. The plan outlines both short and long-term steps to strengthen the security posture of our third-party processors with access to customer support systems, as well…

Cyber Security Advocate: Meet Tanesha Magby

Organizations today face increasingly diverse and sophisticated cyber threats. This work is bigger than any one entity; it forms part of a collaborative global initiative to make the internet a safer place. For Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re going behind the scenes with some of Okta’s Cyber Security Advocates, a talented group of…

Okta Workflows How-To: Handling an External API Call Error

Okta Workflows is a no-code platform for automating identity processes. The Workflows team holds weekly office hours where they answer builder questions. This blog post is based on a question asked during office hours: How to handle an external API call error in Workflows? Getting started When calling an external API results in an error, you want…

What you Need to Know: An Update on the GLBA Safeguards Rule

With the expanding scope of cyberattacks on financial institutions and a substantial increase in fraud, government and industry oversight bodies are stepping up with new regulations and requirements to protect consumers. One of the most recent examples are the updates to the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA).  After 20 years of regulating information…

Cyber Security Advocate: Meet Nicole Cato

Organizations today face increasingly diverse and sophisticated cyber threats. This work is bigger than any one entity; it forms part of a collaborative global initiative to make the internet a safer place. For Cyber Security Awareness Month, we’re going behind the scenes with some of Okta’s Cyber Security Advocates, a talented group of…

Cyber Security Awareness Month: 4 Ways to Participate

We live in a world of modern digital companies and users have never had so much freedom. We can build anything with cloud apps and services. We can work from anywhere. Learn from anywhere. Shop and surf from anywhere, on any device. But so can the bad guys. What is Cyber Security Awareness Month? Back in 2004 when more of the global interactions…

Take it From a Global Marketing Leader: Identity Matters

“Hello, give me your name, address, shoe size, motorcycle and boots.” Now, we can all agree that approaching a first date like you’re the Terminator is not going to go very well. No one likes to be bombarded with personal questions as soon as they sit down — let alone by a stranger they’ve just met. Yet this is how most brands approach those first…


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