Measuring the business value of Identity at Guaranteed Rate and ADT

Grappling with the aftermath of a global pandemic and navigating the complexities of an austerity-driven economy, cybersecurity leaders find themselves at a crossroads.  In the wake of macroeconomic uncertainties, these leaders are under increasing pressure to validate their investments to executive decision-makers.  The challenge is twofold: How…

How Identity accelerates M&A for Mars and Warner Bros. Discovery

Organizations who grow through mergers and acquisition (M&A) processes need to be laser-focused on a successful integration starting on day 0. But for many technical reasons, integrating multiple, complex systems and granting access to the right solutions for the right people is easier said than done. Multinational enterprises, such as Mars…

Okta’s climate targets: Progress and opportunities one year in

Climate change is the crisis of this generation and no longer a question of “when’” for companies but instead a question of “how.” Our customers and investors increasingly expect more from Okta. We are also closely monitoring the global transition from voluntary disclosure and target-setting to mandatory regulatory compliance. We are taking steps…

How strong governance can reduce your SaaS spend

Identity governance has traditionally been considered a compliance-first toolset. For businesses looking to adopt an IGA solution, this has meant audit trails, thorough reporting, and access controls. But more recently, IGA’s security-driven role has grown. Savvy CISOs recognize how the right solution can help safeguard an organization via least…

Okta and beyond: Building a robust defense against web attacks

In the realm of cybersecurity, understanding and implementing a multi-layered defense strategy is crucial. Okta offers protection against a broad spectrum of web threats. However, as the digital threat landscape evolves, augmenting Okta's capabilities with specialized services adds critical protection. Okta's frontline defense: Understanding…

Okta awarded the Palo Alto Networks 2023 Global Technology Partner Innovator of the Year

Okta is proud to be recognized as the Palo Alto Networks 2023 Global Technology Partner Innovator of the Year! These annual awards are presented to an elite group of Palo Alto Networks partners that, over the past 12 months, have excelled in one or more of the following areas: Performance: Bookings that partners initiate, the pipeline they build,…

Filling the third-party cookie gap with first-party and zero-party data

With third-party cookies poised to disappear, many marketers are wondering how to fill the coming information void. The bad news is there isn’t a straight substitute for the broader context third-party cookies provide. But the good news is other data sources can help marketers make informed strategic and tactical decisions and continue driving…


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