Unifying efforts, amplifying security: Shared Signals interoperability

The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, demanding flexible and collaborative solutions. That's why Okta is proud to be at the forefront of the Shared Signals Framework (SSF), an emerging standard enabling seamless security data exchange between different vendors. Okta will successfully showcase its SSF and Continuous Access Evaluation…

Schuberg Philis saves 6,000+ hours of engineering time by automating with Okta Workflows

Technology is great — but it’s nothing without an informed, capable human hand guiding its operations and enhancing its capabilities. Servers and apps are an infinite resource, but qualified experts (and their time)? Not so much. Schuberg Philis, a mission-critical IT company in the Netherlands, understands this dilemma all too well, and that’s…

Introduction to Okta Workflows

Okta Workflows is a no-code platform for building identity automation. For example, you can create the following workflows without asking IT or developers for help: Reset password and end-user sessions when suspicious activity is detected. Add or remove user access to applications. Send notifications (Teams, Slack, email) when events occur in your…

What you might not know about conversion rate optimization

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is such an important topic for today’s marketers that a Google search for the subject delivers an endless stream of results, with web companies big and small offering everything from short overviews to “ultimate” step-by-step guides. However, we believe almost all of these results overlook a crucial contributor…

Go beyond the login box with Customer Identity Cloud

Pay a bill. Chat with friends. Order food. Browse clothes. Plan a trip. Laugh at cat videos. In the digital world, much of what we do, where we turn for information, and even how we decompress happens on the other side of a login box.  From initial signup to every login, Customer Identity is the digital touchpoint customers repeatedly encounter as…

Transforming enterprise operations with Okta Workflows and OpenAI

In today's world, where keeping things running smoothly and safely online is key, Okta has become a go-to choice for companies managing who gets access to what. We’ve established a robust reputation for enabling businesses to manage their security measures confidently. Okta's platform ensures the right people can access the tools and data they…


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