Your Name in Lights: Share Your Identity Story at Oktane

At Okta, our work is driven by collaboration, whether helping a 100-year-old company secure a hybrid environment, launching a new provisioning feature inspired by customer feedback, or supporting a non-profit with budget-friendly pricing. Every step we take is informed by the stories you­—our customers—share with us.  Oktane is a chance for us to…

Four IAM Best Practices to Secure Customer Identity

61% of 2021 breaches involved credentials. Almost every company has employees, users, and/or customers who enjoy access to proprietary information and critical data. And while this information may not be accessible via direct links, they may still inadvertently gain access to content they shouldn’t have. These same companies often struggle with…

Okta Demonstrates Commitment to Trust and the General Data Protection Regulation With EU Cloud Code of Conduct Adherence

Okta has obtained EU Cloud Code of Conduct (EU Cloud CoC) Level 2 Adherence. As the only pan-European code of conduct for cloud providers, the EU Cloud CoC received positive opinion from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and was subsequently approved by the Belgian Data Protection Authority in 2021.  Designed specifically for B2B cloud…

Meet the Expert: Josh Pritchett

Connecting roughly 50 million unique users within a network of clinics, offices, practitioners, and specialists across the USA means securely storing extremely sensitive data—then sharing it with thousands of healthcare providers, partners, and vendors. This responsibility is embraced by the Okta customer facilitating this network, despite the…

Okta Response to Security Report

On July 19, 2022, a security consultancy released a blog post with claims related to the security of specific features of the Okta service. Prior to the release of their blog post, the security researcher reached out to Okta, sharing the technical details of their findings. After a thorough review, our internal product and security teams affirmed…

Okta + the NCCoE are Ready to Rock Zero Trust Security

What do a security strategy, a government agency, and a rocker all have in common? No, this isn't a silly joke; it’s the way I’m thinking about how large organizations can approach new paradigms. A way that can be music to our collective ears.  If you’ve been watching the latest season of Stranger Things, Volume 4 (Don’t worry, no spoilers), you…

Five Methods for Improving Your Customer Experience in Apps

89% of companies compete primarily on the basis of customer experience. The competition for customers has exponentially increased in the past several years and has become a critical component of company strategy within product engineering and product management. Consumers now have simple access to multiple choices for what and how they would like…

Founders in Focus: Madhu Madhusudhanan of OLOID

Each month we highlight one of the founders of Okta Ventures’ portfolio companies. You’ll get to know more about them and learn how they work with Okta. This month we’re speaking with Madhu Madhusudhanan, co-founder and CTO of OLOID. What is OLOID and what is your mission? OLOID is driving a SaaS revolution to modernize physical identity and…


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