Reflecting on the Work We’ve Done at Okta: One Year Later

In the wake of George Floyd’s murder last May, I wrote affirming Okta’s commitment to driving tangible change for racial justice and equality. Though our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and belonging is long-standing, last summer we realized that we had to do more to challenge the systemic issues leading to racial inequality and injustice. We…

Founders in Focus: Matthew Carroll of Immuta

Welcome to our Founders in Focus series, where each month we highlight one of the founders of Okta Ventures’ portfolio companies. You’ll learn more about them and how they work with Okta. This month we’re speaking with Matthew Carroll, CEO and co-founder of Immuta. What is Immuta and what is your mission? Immuta’s mission is to enable…

An Inside Look at Okta’s New Code Tycoon Game

Have you tried playing Code Tycoon yet? Our new game, inspired by everyday developer experiences, asks players to save a failing company by creating a new flagship product—but that’s much easier said than done. From navigating tricky conversations with coworkers to fixing the perpetually broken office printer, there are a lot of distractions to…

Material Security: Extending Zero Trust to Email

Historically, many CISOs and C-Suite executives have regarded email as an avenue for attack rather than an actual target (when, in fact, it’s both). But while they considered email security a “solved problem,” large-scale email-based attacks from recent years have proved otherwise. The truth is that the problem of email security is active and…

What Are the Benefits and Limitations of Multi-Cloud?

Organizations are increasingly deploying and implementing cloud services in an effort to reduce the cost and complexity of their infrastructure while accelerating their innovation levels. And this is typically a multi-pronged approach: 92% of enterprises have deployed a multi-cloud strategy, while 80% deploy a hybrid cloud strategy. The average…

What are Salted Passwords and Password Hashing?

Security is often not top of mind when creating customer-facing applications. But in a landscape of continual data breaches of major corporations like T-Mobile and Google, companies must be vigilant to adhere to security best practices. Processes like password salting and hashing are fundamental to the security posture of your apps. Understanding…

Introducing Code Tycoon: A Developer-Inspired Game From Okta

As a software developer, it’s your job to build exciting applications and features. But more often than not, your time is spent fixing other people’s technical problems rather than focusing on the tasks that will drive the business forward. Raise your hand if you never again want to reset a password or help install a desktop program.  Those are…

Okta Joins the ID2020 Alliance

If you’re reading this on any kind of digital device, you probably use various forms of digital identity on a regular basis. From accessing healthcare to participating in democracy to protecting our finances, modern life requires identity.  For most of us, it’s impossible to imagine how we’d live our lives without verifiable identification. Yet,…

It’s Official: Okta Joins Forces With Auth0

At Okta, we’ve spent the past 12+ years focused on transforming cloud-based identity and empowering everyone to safely use any technology. Today marks a significant milestone for our team and acceleration of our journey: Okta and Auth0 are now one team. We’ve successfully completed the acquisition. I’ve long admired the impressive platform and…


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