Data Privacy Day: 5 Tips to Help Keep your Private Data Private

As new technologies continually integrate themselves deeper into the lives of average consumers, these users increasingly benefit from the enhanced productivity and convenience that these technologies offer. That being said, knowing how to leverage these technologies in a way that optimizes personal privacy isn’t always intuitive for the average…

Businesses @ Work 2020: New Decade, New Apps, and New Ways to Work

Today, we announced the findings of our sixth annual Businesses @ Work report, exploring how organizations and people work today. Businesses @ Work paints one of the clearest pictures of how organizations evolve when it comes to technology, and the trend line clearly points to greater adoption across the board; over the past six years, we’ve seen…

Rethinking AD: The Four Stages of Separation, Part 1

In the first blog of this series, we explained why it’s time to break-up with Active Directory (AD). In the second, we listed the top five things you can look forward to after making the change. So now we’re breaking down the four stages of separation you’re going to experience as you reduce your dependency on, and potentially leave, Active…

3 On-Prem Security Myths Debunked

As technology evolves, we’re often faced with misconceptions around how it works and how we can use it. Whether it’s that Apple computers are immune to viruses or that private browsing keeps user activity anonymous, there are a number of security myths that surround our technology—and change how we use and protect it. This trend applies to both…

4 ways Okta Access Gateway boosts security for on-prem resources

In 2019, we made the exciting announcement that Okta Access Gateway (OAG) is available to all of our customers. In that post, we described how Access Gateway helps businesses implement modern access management solutions like single sign-on (SSO) and adaptive multi-factor authentication (MFA) across their on-premises applications. The result is…

How Software Licensing Costs Are Eating Your Budget

Have you ever stumbled on a great airline deal only to find out there's an additional cost for checked luggage? Or signed up for a credit card offer with amazing perks, only to get stung by a higher-than-normal annual fee? You're not alone. It’s these experiences that remind us that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. …

AI Is Changing Security—Here’s How

Cybercriminals have evolved from lone hackers targeting small websites and systems into dangerous entities launching large-scale cyberattacks that affect millions of people worldwide. In recent years, we’ve seen multiple huge ransomware attacks like WannaCry and NotPetya cause hudereds of millions or even billions of dollars in damages and lost…

Six Obstacles That Block the Way to Effective Lifecycle Management

You want to set up a successful, global enterprise; so where do you start? First you establish your business, then you incorporate all the tech and processes you need to scale it. And once that’s all done, you get to a point where you work seamlessly with hundreds of contractors and partners to deliver your services to customers around the world…

Understand Web Access Management—Then Move On

Figuring out how to secure users’ connections to applications is an age-old challenge that has developed alongside the digital transformation of the enterprise. Traditionally, businesses have addressed this issue with complex authorization systems, many of which used web access management (WAM)—or on-premises single sign-on (SSO)—at the center of…


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