The Secret to Innovation? Architectural Excellence

The heat is on for organizations everywhere. Customer needs and expectations are ever-evolving—and for many companies, that means a constant push to develop new product features. While this is a natural response in a competitive marketplace, it pays to remember the bedrock of software success: strong architecture. For solution providers looking to…

We’re Giving You a Glimpse Into the Future of Identity

What does the future hold? It’s a question that many of us are pondering on a daily basis. But when it comes to identity and access management (IAM) solutions, answering this question has significant implications for businesses In my role as Chief Product Architect at Okta, this is the work I am doing alongside my team. Together, we’re responsible…

The Journey to CIAM Maturity: Let’s Start with the Basics of Customer Identity

Modernizing digital initiatives is a key priority for most organizations, but many still have a long way to go before they can better enable, secure, and delight their users. And when it comes to customer identity and access management (CIAM), most companies find themselves in the earliest stages of maturity. Throughout this blog series, we'll…

Okta’s Response to California’s Likely Passage of Ballot Proposition 24, and Creation of the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020

On Election Day, Californians’ voices were loud and clear: by a wide margin, voters approved Ballot Proposition 24, also known as the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”). While some votes are still being counted, the proposition appears headed for approval. The CPRA amends and expands certain provisions of the California Consumer…

Change Starts from Within: How Tech Pathways Week Strengthens Okta’s Community 

Job seeking during COVID isn’t easy. Applicants are faced with a more volatile economic environment, virtual networking events and interviews, and the need to create genuine connections—often without ever meeting someone face-to-face. 2020 has been taxing on everyone, but it has disproportionately impacted underrepresented minorities. Never has…

A Message From POC@Okta Leadership: Here’s How Your Vote Counts

Okta’s passion for the democratic process starts at the top, with our CEO Todd McKinnon, who understands that every identity and voice must be represented in the voting process. As an organization, Okta has taken steps to make voting easier by rolling out a app—connecting employees and customers to a public website to help find voter…


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