Owning Your Career: A Day in the Life with Jen Ryan

It’s that time of year again! New Year’s resolutions have been set, but turns out only 9.2% of us will actually follow through with them. At Okta, we’re lucky to have learning and development partner, Jen Ryan, to help us set attainable career goals that we nurture year-round. After recently completing Okta’s “Owning Your Career” workshop, I was…

Meet the SGT, an osquery Management Server Built Entirely on AWS!

Simple Go TLS, or SGT as we’re calling it, is an osquery endpoint management server written in Go and backed by AWS services, designed to take advantage of the native scaling, performance, and reliability of the AWS cloud environment. At Okta, osquery has become a powerful part of our security monitoring toolset. For those unfamiliar, osquery is…

IAM—Who’s Ultimately Responsible?

It’s a familiar tale. HR wants to increase efficiency. Security needs to reduce the risk of a breach. Legal have their eye on safeguarding, and IT are swamped with reset requests. For modern businesses, a wide array of stakeholders have an interest in streamlining processes, protecting their people, knocking down the proverbial walls of the…


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