Identity in the News – Week of April 16, 2018

Selections from the top news items this week in the world of identity and application security. Mastercard Files Patent To Use Blockchain To Protect Identity Data From PYMTS: Mastercard has filed a patent that reveals it might utilize blockchain as a way to protect identity data. The application, which was originally filed in September 2017 and…

Oktane 101: Tips for Networking, Note-Taking, and Smart Agendas

Conferences can be intense, but that's what makes them so worthwhile. Instead of doing classes and modules over several months, a conference gives you tons of new insights, know-how, and networking opportunities with peers and professionals jam-packed into a few rewarding days. That’s what Oktane sets out to do each year — and Oktane18 is no…

Security + Machine Learning: It’s No Silver Bullet

Gartner currently lists machine learning at the top of its hype cycle. The market is awash with products that claim to have built a better mousetrap, that better solve common problems. While the promise of machine learning is proven, what does this new approach hold for cybersecurity? Is this a silver bullet or just more lead? Even today, spam…

Is Passwordless Authentication Actually Secure?

Passwords are frustrating. We know they should be unique, but then they’re hard to remember. We know they should be complex, but then they’re even harder to remember and painful to create. Password managers mostly solve the problem for those savvy enough to use them and determined enough to set them up, but for the majority of the population, it’s…

It’s a New World with WebAuthn: Passwordless Authentication Goes Primetime

The vision of a secure, passwordless experience on the web has long been on the minds of security professionals and password-fatigued users. An open standard called Web Authentication (or “WebAuthn”) is rapidly progressing towards achieving that vision after hitting a major milestone this week. Specifically, on April 10 the World Wide Web…

Identity in the News – Week of April 9, 2018

Selections from the top news items this week in the world of identity and application security. How blockchain could solve the internet privacy problem From ComputerWorld: Fintech firms, software makers, telecom providers and other businesses have joined forces develop a blockchain-based network that will enable anyone to exchange digital…

What is Secure Customer Identity (aka User Management)?

In the modern app ecosystem, virtually every application leverages identity to provide customized and secure user experiences. Customer identity and access management (CIAM), also known as secure user management, or secure customer identity, is the system an application deploys to determine who a user is, and what information they have access to…

Multi-factor Authentication: Because Phishing Happens

You’re at your desk, neck deep in deadlines (because aren’t we all) and suddenly, a notification appears. You have new mail! At first glance, it looks like the mundane Microsoft service notification email you usually ignore. Then, a moment of panic. What?! They’ve blocked my email?!? I need that! I have important things to do! You scroll quickly…

Incident Response in the Cloud – Is Your Security Team Ready?

Incident Response (IR) is the umbrella term for activities where an organization recognizes and responds to an event. It applies to anything from your corporate website going down, to the loss of a database server, or even security incidents such as a user workstation compromised by malware. The purpose of Incident Response is to gather the…

Identity in the News – Week of April 2, 2018

Selections from the top news items this week in the world of identity and application security. Tech Thinks It Has a Fix for the Problems It Created: Blockchain From The New York Times: The first blockchain was created in 2009 as a new kind of database for the virtual currency Bitcoin, where all transactions could be stored without any banks or…


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