What is ADFS?

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution created by Microsoft. As a component of Windows Server operating systems, it provides users with authenticated access to applications that are not capable of using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) through Active Directory (AD). Developed to provide flexibility,…

Identity in the News – Week of June 11

Selections from the top news items this week in the world of identity and application security. IDENTITY + THE CLOUD Why Do We Care So Much About Privacy? From The New Yorker: The reason you’ve been receiving a steady stream of privacy-policy updates from online services, some of which you may have forgotten you ever subscribed to, is that the…

I Snuck a Bad Apple into the Basket, and Nobody Noticed

Imagine the havoc a sophisticated threat actor could wreak by tricking a user into downloading and executing malicious code that current security products deem as safe. They can get access to personal data, financial details, or sensitive insider information. That scenario is precisely what could happen based on new research published today from…

Identity in the News – Week of June 4

Selections from the top news items this week in the world of identity and application security. Identity + the Cloud I followed the CEO of $6 billion Okta around and learned the secrets of a tech conference that landed President Obama as a speaker From Business Insider: Last week, the conference center at the Aria hotel in Las Vegas was abuzz with…

5 Tips for Using Adaptive Authentication Right

Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication is a powerful feature that adds flexibility to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Depending on your login context – for example, I'm accessing the system from a country I never did before – the MFA authentication is required. In simple words: with Adaptive MFA, depending on your context, the MFA shows up (or…

Oktane18 By the Numbers

It was only three weeks ago that thousands of our customers, partners, industry experts, and team members headed to Las Vegas for our sixth annual conference Oktane18. During that time, we heard from Okta CEO and Co-Founder Todd McKinnon about how identity is the challenge of our time and Okta COO and Co-Founder Frederic Kerrest shared how our…

Hello, Okta: Taking Advantage of the Nordic Opportunity

Did you know that in the early 2000s, oil production was one of the strongest drivers of economic growth across the Nordics? But lower oil prices in other regions resulted in a need to change focus and technology started to lead the way. This shift has been driven by innovations in cloud technologies, and I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have…

Use Behavior and Context to Secure Access

The traditional perimeter which protected IT assets on the corporate network has become irrelevant. The proliferation of cloud-based services, such as email and online file sharing, being used to augment conventional inhouse IT systems, and the rise of mobility where remote access from anywhere is required by your employees, partners and even…

Security and the API Journey

If you ask most developers “What’s your favorite API?” you’ll get a variety of answers that fall into a few categories. Most people think of APIs that let them accomplish something important or an API that made them feel powerful or an API that made it all click for them. When I think of my favorite API, I think of Amazon’s Sales Tax API. To…


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