Addressing New NIST Guidelines with Okta Verify

The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) generated some buzz yesterday with the release of its Digital Authentication Guideline draft. As part of its purview, NIST recommends national-level guidelines and rules for cryptography and secure communications. In the proposal, NIST recommends implementers consider authenticators other…

Okta for Healthcare: Okta Debuts HIPAA Compliant Service

Protecting personal health and identity information is paramount within the healthcare industry. At Okta, we partner with HIPAA Covered Entities and their Service Providers to secure this very data, while enabling these partners to quickly innovate and remain leaders in the industry. To better serve the highly-regulated and security-conscious…

A New Era for Hard Tokens: Okta and Yubico Make Strong Authentication Easy

If you’ve seen Okta’s Best Of 2015 report we published in late December, you know that all signs point to 2016 being a banner year for all forms of strong authentication. As our data so clearly shows, the classic security question is on its way out and providers of new authentication methods (including our very own Okta Verify with Push) are…

The marriage of user experience and security

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, so everyone is talking about love — us included. Here at Okta, while we’re certainly swooning over roses, wine, and chocolates, what we really hold near and dear are our relationships with customers and the experiences they have with our technology. We obsess over uniting two seemingly divorced characteristics —…

2015's Cool Kids, Shake-ups and Comebacks

Like you, we've read our fair share of bland year-end roundups and predictions. Don't worry, this isn't one of them. We promise to pack it with plenty of spice — just like all the personalities at your family's holiday dinner. Every year promises its share of new additions, cool kids, shake-ups and even comebacks, which all play out at the table …

Meet Okta Adaptive MFA

We’re pleased to announce that our new product, Okta Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is generally available today. Okta Adaptive MFA, which companies can purchase as a standalone product, offers a broad set of easy-to-use factors combined with policy-driven contextual access management — all informed by data from our thousands of…


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