2015's Cool Kids, Shake-ups and Comebacks

Like you, we've read our fair share of bland year-end roundups and predictions. Don't worry, this isn't one of them. We promise to pack it with plenty of spice — just like all the personalities at your family's holiday dinner. Every year promises its share of new additions, cool kids, shake-ups and even comebacks, which all play out at the table …

Meet Okta Adaptive MFA

We’re pleased to announce that our new product, Okta Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is generally available today. Okta Adaptive MFA, which companies can purchase as a standalone product, offers a broad set of easy-to-use factors combined with policy-driven contextual access management — all informed by data from our thousands of…

Okta, The Perfect Complement to Google for Work

When we started Okta, we chose to integrate with a handful of applications: Salesforce.com, Box and Google Apps. (Microsoft Office 365, which recently surpassed Salesforce.com as the most commonly deployed app in our network of now 4,000+ applications, didn’t even exist.) As it turns out, we invested with the right ones – as those “original three”…

Challenges of Identity and Mobility for Office 365

This post was co-written by Simon Thorpe, who works on Okta’s product team and Slalom Consulting’s Rick Koppin (Director of Slalom’s Technology Enablement practice) and Daniel Chiang (Solution Principal, leading Slalom’s Information Security and IT Optimisation practices). Daniel and Rick have a combined 20+ years of experience successfully…

Rock Me Amadeus: Amadeus Capital Partners Achieves A 350% ROI With Okta

For 15 years, Amadeus Capital Partners has supported and funded more than 85 young technology companies. A commonality among Amadeus’ clients is that they utilise the connected world to drive innovation. Therefore, it’s logical that a company that advises fast-growing technology companies needed its own set of forward-thinking applications and…

Office 365 Adoption Goes Through the Roof

We’ve noticed something quite extraordinary happening on the Okta Application Network over the last few months: Microsoft Office 365 is quickly working its way to #1 – meaning the most commonly deployed application in our network of 4,000+. It’s also already the most used application (measured by raw number of authentications) across our 2,000+…


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