Oktane18: Collaboration Made Seamless with Box & Okta -- Connecting Users, Partners, & Customers



Priya Patel: Welcome to Collaboration Made Seamless with Box and Okta. I've already been introduced, but I am the group product marketing manager at Box focused on partners. In terms of what we plan to cover today, we want to cover a little bit about Box and how you can leverage a content management platform like Box to transform your content strategy. We also want to, of course, touch upon seamless collaboration, how you can use Box and Okta together.

Then we want to give you a chance to see how the products work together, so our integration with Okta and what you could do with it as well as some new capabilities with Box. Then we're really thrilled to have two amazing customers today for our customer panel with Flex in Europe.

Just a bit of background, or actually, let me pull folks in the audience. How many of you are current customers of Box? Okay, a good amount. How many of you are currently reevaluating your content management solution? Okay. A bit amount as well.

Box has been around for about 13 years. We have 82,000 customers as you can see here. Really spanning the gamut of industries and sizes. We have customers in some of the most regulated industries using Box today representing 69% of the Fortune 500.

Our mission at Box is to power how the world works together. Over the past 13 years, we've talked to many of our customers like GE and Coca Cola and Flex, and they've all said the same thing, which is that they want to move faster, but sometimes technology gets in the way. That's really driven our mission here at Box.

In order to really understand how we can achieve that mission for our customers, what's critical is really understanding the landscape and the challenges that they're facing. Today, you've heard in the keynote this morning a lot about digital transformation. It's really challenging every organization in four primary ways.

The first is from an employee standpoint. Employees want to be able to work on any device. They have increasing touchpoints not only internally but externally. They also have these amazing consumer applications and experiences from apps like Uber and Amazon and they're expecting the same from some of their tools in the workplace.

Then from the business standpoint, businesses need to be more agile than ever. Competition has never been fiercer. Customers expect the best service. Now, they expect faster time to market on products. Businesses are also challenged to move faster.

Then cyber threats and regulations are constantly changing. How many of you have had to think about the GDPR this year? Okay, pretty much most of the audience. That's something that companies never had to think about a couple of years ago and just highlights how companies are facing increasing regulatory scrutiny. We've all seen what happens to company's market caps and their cyber threats.

Then from an IT standpoint, they're facing all these pressures from their employees, from their customers and they have these legacy systems and they're facing cost pressures to bring down cost. With all of this happening with digital transformation, we really see how we collaborate and manage information as being core to digital transformation. That's because content and information touches every employee, every user, every business process at a company.

Unfortunately, the way that content strategies have evolved within business has been very fragmented. We can take a step back into time in the 90s where a lot of content was managed on-prem and network drives, even physical media like CD-ROMs and mail to the post office to be sent to the right person.

Enterprise content management, ECM systems evolved like Documentum and SharePoint to make it easy for content to be easily searched and indexed and use to automate business processes. The challenge with these solutions was that they weren't built with the end-user in mind. They weren't super intuitive and easy to use, so they ended up being used in certain departments within a company versus broadly used across the organization.

Then with the increasing mobility in the business workplace, these new solutions that we call, EFSS, enterprise file sync-and-share solutions emerged like Dropbox and Google Drive and OneDrive. They really took a more user-centric approach to basically solving pretty basic needs such as sharing files across the company securely, but they never really evolved beyond that. Then in parallel, companies started building applications again, both for internal use and to engage customers on platforms such as AWS and Azure and they also started adopting line of business SaaS applications like Salesforce and Workday.

The result is that content is fragmented across all these different systems today. How many of you in the audience have your content at your company in at least two or more of these systems? Pretty much everybody. What happens when content is fragmented is that it creates essentially a mess for user's IT and developers. What if you had one platform that worked for all of your content? Ta-dah, that's what Box is. It's one platform that works for all of your content. At the center of this diagram is our core content capabilities. The ability to manage your content in one place, collaborate internally and externally on any mobile device. As well as building workflow capabilities that involve content. Then a late stage update from Box is our intelligence capabilities. We announced this at our conference last year, so a few months ago. We basically launched something called Box Skills. That's a framework by which we can leverage best of breed machine learning technologies from our partners at Microsoft, Google, AWS to basically apply machine learning to content to further automate business processes.

Then outside in this blue ring you see here is a security and compliance layer. This surrounds all of the core content capabilities and includes things like insights. From an admin perspective, over 80 types of reports to be able to have visibility and to how content is being managed and used. KeySafe, which enables customers to manage their own encryption keys. Box Zones, which is a product that enables customers to basically fulfill their data residency requirements across the globeGovernance capability is like the ability to apply legal holds and data retention policies on folders. Multiple layers of DLP and protection policies. Then from a compliance perspective, industry-leading compliance for regulated industries. HIPAA, FINRA, GxP and FedRAMP compliance, among others.

Then at the very outer ring, we have our APIs and SDKs that enable companies to build custom applications, leveraging Box as the content layer. One example is a major insurance company has built an application that is customer facing, whereby if I'm in an auto accident and I'm a consumer, a customer of theirs, I can upload pictures from the accident. I can submit a request, kick off a claims processing process that involves content being transmitted between me and the company. Another diagram. This is basically at the bottom. We talked about the security, the content and the APIs. I also want to highlight that we do have Box applications as well. I won't go through every one of these, but a couple to call out. We have Box Notes, which is I use it all the time. It's great for collaborating with team mates and even external teams. Just the ability to take notes and comment. As well as our mobile app and Relay, which is our new workflow product that enables even end-users to build simple workflows that involve Box content.

Then we also have a neutral platform whereby we connect into 1400 best of breed applications. These span productivity suites like Office 365, which is our most widely used integration, G Suite, of course Okta, as well as Slack, Workplace by Facebook, as well as e-signature and workflow partners as well. To summarize, Box can power your digital transformation in two primary areas. To the left is digital workplace, and this is really all about productivity and collaboration and enabling employees to collaborate on any device internally and externally. A lot of companies are also transferring their network file shares over to Box. Then to the right is digital business. This is all about automating business processes and making operations at a company even faster. These are some use cases of companies that are using us across the digital workplace and digital business, but we'll learn more in our customer panel.

I want to highlight the benefits of using Box and Okta together. Kind of distills into three categories. The first is increasing productivity. This is pretty obvious, but employees can get fast access to their content on any device through being able to use Okta's single sign-on.

You learned a lot about Okta's platform product today in today's keynote. We have and you'll learn more from Flex in today's panel, but you can build custom external facing apps to help streamline collaboration. Then from a scalability perspective, you can quickly deploy Box organization-wide with Okta as well as automatically provision and deprovision user accounts. From a security standpoint, you can control access to content based on the identity of the users and ensure secure access to Box as well as all of your applications. In terms of integration capabilities, of course, we have single sign-on into Box. Then automatic, just in time, provisioning and deprovisioning of accounts. Box folders can be automatically provisioned based on the user's department or team. For example, when I joined Box, I had all of my marketing team folders readily available to me.

Box for EMM, so making it easy and secure for users to login to Box through their mobile devices. Then on the platform side, leveraging APIs to build applications with Box as the content layer and then Okta as the ability to login and get secure access. We have over 1000 joint customers with Okta. As you could see, also spanning a variety of industries. With that, I'm going to pass it on to Kyung from Box who's going to be doing a live demo.

Kyung Min: Thanks Priya. Everyone, my name is Kyung Min. I'm a sales engineer here at Box. Today, I just wanted to run you guys through a demonstration of what it looks like to work out of the box web application. To put a little bit more context into the demonstration today, I'll be taking the persona of somebody who works in the HR department at a fictitious software company called Acme Corporation. Before actually getting access to Box, Acme happens to be an Okta customer here as well. I can simply just click on my Box down here and not only am I authenticating myself via the SAML handshake where Box and Okta has a deeper integration with the API where, as Priya mentioned, we can do things such as automatically provision accounts, deprovision accounts, create personal folders upon first login and even more here. Once I login, that brings me to my all files page, where I can see all the different files and folders that I have access to as an individual. That might be the different security groups that Okta has brought in or that could be different files and folders that I've been invited into both from internal and external users.

From here, I can simply just click through the different folders similar to what I would do in a traditional network file share to access all my content. Given that I am part of the HR department that spans a lot of different departments, I have a lot of different content. I can use things such as my federated search. I can go through my "Recent" tabs, favorites tab and then most recently, I have the ability to go ahead and bring up Box Feed. Think of Box Feed as your personalized briefing to all of your content in Box. It's powered by our machine learning technology called Box Graph where we understand the relationship between the content of that existing Box as well as the users to help predict and suggest the most relevant content to you using a social graph- ...

Kyung Min: ... and suggest the most relevant content to you using a social graph that we built.

So, now that you guys have a pretty good understanding of what Box UI looks like, I want to take you guys through what it looks like to work out of the Box application in the persona of an HR employee. So, one of my roles here is to actually onboard new employees once they've signed their offer letter. So in order to do that, I'm going to start from a really ... our workload tool called Box Relay. It's a template-based workflow where I can streamline a lot of different content. I can pass that through different organizations, and ultimately, I can land that all within the right folder with different policies that have already been in place here.

So, let's take a look here. When I come into the Box Relay console here, the first thing that I want to point out is my tasks tab here. So, these are all the different tasks that I have assigned to myself. So that could be anything from actually editing a document before routing it to another person for approval, that can be reviewing a document and sending my feedback, that could be anything that happens outside of Box, and I can quickly do that using the core capabilities that we already have today. I also have my templates tab here, where I can actually come in, standardize on different processes. I can publish that and share that out with people within my organization so that they can go ahead and kick off that process as well.

I also have here my workflows tab. So, this is a really cool place where I can come in and see, in kind of a bird's eye view of all the different workflows that I am part of. I can see things such as how far I am in a workflow. I can see things such as different due dates. I can see now when something was last modified here. And then if I wanted a little bit more granular visibility, I can also click into that to get some more information.

So, let's take a look at Aaron Levie, software engineer, HR onboarding process. So, for those of you guys who don't know Aaron, he casually founded Box with a couple of high school friends while in college. But he's also been interviewing and recently accepted an offer at Acme. This should look pretty familiar for those of you guys who have gone through any sort of onboarding process, where we're actually collecting different pieces of information, we're actually uploading an orientation checklist, routing that to the IT teams so they can now add different things based off of access requirements. We're having that routed to a hiring manager for approval, and then ultimately having workplace services actually even set up his desk, so that when he comes, all that has already been set up.

So I'm actually streamlining all of this, where it's touching multiple departments, and it's happening all within Box. I'm able to track that within my workflows tab without ever having to leave Box. The last step here is to ultimately land that content in Aaron's employee folder here. So I have things such as his offer letter, his checklist, W4 form, and his ID as well. So I'm going to go ahead and complete that workflow. Then, when I come into his workflow, you know, I talked a little bit about the importance of being able to land all that content in the right system. And that's not only for a productivity reason, but that's also for security reasons.

So a couple things that I want to point out. You'll notice here that I have a retention policy applied on this folder, so automatically all the content that's landed in this folder has inherited a retention policy that's relevant to all active employees. So we can enforce that automatically. If Aaron were to ever leave Box, we can quickly switch that to a different retention policy, either by updating our metadata, or we can even move that to an archival folder. If I take a look at something like Aaron's driver's license, I can see that I also have a confidential classification giving my end users a clear visual indicator that they're dealing with confidential information. And then in the backend, I can also configure it so that I'm actually limiting the sharing capabilities to people within my organization.

Coming into my details tab here, I've also sent this file to one of our ML partners using a Box Skills framework, where I've extracted a lot of good and useful information, things such as the fact that we're looking at a driver's license, his name, his address, the expiration date. And even using this expiration date, I've been able to calculate and identify that it's expired. So rather than actually having a knowledge worker sift through all the different licenses and identify these manually, we've been able to power that using the Box Skills framework. Based off of the expiration metadata value, we can also do different things, such as kick off new business processes within Box. So, that can be something like kicking off a new relay workflow to collect a valid driver's license. Or I can even do things such as assigning a task right within the Box web application here.

So, just kind of to summarize everything that we've gone through. We've been able to streamline an HR onboarding process, touching multiple organizations. We've been able to collect a lot of different information from different departments. We've been able to land that in the right folder. We've been able to apply different policies. We've been able to even send that out for more intelligent metadata values to kick off different business processes. And we've been able to do all of that within Box.

Thank you. And then I'll hand that back off to Priya.

Priya Patel: Thank you Ken, that was great. And if we have time after the panel, we can take questions or Ken will be at our booth, if you'd like to see any parts of the demo in more detail.

Now I would love to bring up Friedrich and Terence from Year Up and Flex.

Welcome to our session, thanks so much for joining.

Terence Chan: Thanks, Priya.

Priya Patel: Maybe just to kick off, could each of you provide a background on your organizations and what your role is there?

Terence Chan: Sure, I can start.

Friedrich W.: Great.

Terence Chan: Year Up was founded almost 18 years ago, and I've been with the organization for seven of those years, and overseeing our staff growth from about 300 in 2011, to currently about a thousand staff. In terms of students that we serve, it's a non-profit that serves young adults 18 to 24 years old. When I started, we served about 1,200 students in 2011. And this year we're scheduled to serve 4,300. And we serve 17,500 to date. We operate in 21 cities, and we have a mission to close an opportunity divide by providing young adults with the skills, experience, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through higher education and professional experiences.

In my role as director of network and support services, I oversee the IT infrastructure and support teams, both in the scaling with the business and also just daily operations.

Friedrich W.: So I'm the CISO from Flex. Flex is an electronic manufacturer and supply chain company. So we have around 200,000 employees worldwide. I'm with the company now 18 years. I built the whole security department, 'til four years or five years ago. Can't remember exact date I took over the CISO role. So I'm responsible for corporate security globally. Plus now responsible for IT governance and also networking.

Priya Patel: So actually at Box, we have partnered with your app to place, I think we recently hired 10 interns from your app as full-time contractors. So they've been a great partner to us.

Friedrich, I'd love to ask you a question. Recently I heard you say that security is now not an IT issue, it's a business issue. I wanted to see if you could tell us about what the implications are of that as it relates to evaluating IT tools.

Friedrich W.: For sure. So, I think it started, or a big shift started to security was the Target breach. I don't know if anyone remember that. The Target breach actually cost a couple of high-level people their job, and cost a lot of lawsuits, right? So that was the change when the board got really involved, because the board was challenged as well at this time. Say, "Didn't you check if the company's doing the right thing?" So that shift, it was shifting really their focus on, now you have the board actually asking the CEO and the C-level guys, "What is the company doing in terms of protection?" So that was, I think, the big shift, because I remember back in the days it was all about firewalls, infrastructure, and antivirus, right? So, that's the two main topics we usually have the security.

So, and then if you look at the last couple of incidents, like last year, the business issue is really like ... if you look NonPetya and WannaCry, it shut down companies for a couple of weeks, right? I mean, there was this company, Maersk, lost $300 million. This is huge issue now, right? I mean, this is serious money that has an impact to your profitability and a serious impact to your business, right?

So from IT perspective, I think most of the CISOs still reporting to the CIO, or it's depending on a lot of other stuff. Now a CTO, or whatever it is, I think right now the table is, you talk to the board, you talk to the C-level. What are you doing for your protection for the company, right? How this change with ... I mean, the big change was coming with cloud, when cloud started five, 10 years ago. How we do avoid security is a really integral part of the solutions. And what we doing is, we are running an assessment, when we onboarding solution say, "Okay, does it meet our security standard? Does it meet actually our privacy standards?" That's the next thing it's coming right now with GDPR. And that's changed a little bit the mindset, right?

I mean, I remember coming ... I'm from Europe, hence my German accent, but live in California. But in Europe is the perspective cloud was unsecure, right? When I, as a CISO, took over and switched over from FTP on premise to Box, I said, "Because this provides me more security on the top," because FTP was in protocol develop in the 1970s, right? So, we took over and say, "I squared out and I want to have a better collaboration tool, which makes it easier for the user, but also provides me with data security," right? Encrypting files, encrypting files in transit, and all these kinds of things, right?

So yes, it's changed because security now, I'm responsible, for example, like as a public company, I'm always with one leg always in jail, because now you need to report cybersecurity incidents to the SEC, which is the next step, right? So we are like now, "Okay, if you do something wrong, and you don't report on time, you might go for insider trading to jail." So it's a kind of like real business issue and lot of more responsibility and accountability.

Priya Patel: And Terence, when you were in the process of evaluating content management solutions, what were your consideration factors and why did you end up choosing Box?

Terence Chan: Yeah, I think like a lot of companies, we were still using network drives, and permissions was a nightmare. I remember when I started, believe it or not, we actually had our COO approve new folder creations at the highest level. So if you wanted to create a new folder at that level, you actually had to put in the request, it would go to her desk, and she would have to look at it and say, "Why do you need this folder created?" And she would have to approve it. So you can imagine, that was crazy. You know, the whole permission structure is really an IT management nightmare. IT have to manage the permissions. Whenever somebody needed access to a folder, even if they were working in that department, we still had to approve it at certain levels. And so, it was really complicated.

And also, the other thing was access. We could only access our files from a Europe-issued laptops through VPN. No other device. No mobile device. Nothing like that. And so there was limited access. Folks couldn't find where their files were. The search in Windows looking for files and folders wasn't the greatest. Had a lot of duplicate files everywhere.

And on top of that, staff started going elsewhere. So they started using Dropbox on their own. They used Google Drive, primarily because they want the coauthoring abilities. And so, you know, with going with Box, we already had Okta prior to Box, and there was a close collaboration partnership between the two, obviously. And so, it was really about being able to scale with the organization, the business, and be able to free that data and really put the permissions and the onus on the business owners and the content owners, instead of IT, and so make it kind of their responsibility to share out the files and folders that way and be able to access the data from anywhere, any device, any time.

Priya Patel: And Friedrich, how are you currently using Box and Okta today? I know that you have ... you do use it for vendor management as well.

Friedrich W.: Yes, so we started Okta, so both system actually right, at the same time. But in the beginning, Okta was not our single-sign on. Actually, for Box, we did it later on. But we started this first, we had the problem, we have around 20,000 suppliers which have access like to 40 portals, right? And some suppliers, based on what Mercuros had to log on to 10, 15 portals, right? So we used Okta for one centralized management for external accounts. Now we are doing this for internal accounts directly with a lot of more stuff. And we use then Box on the top of that report for all external collaboration. So, I mean, Box is quite a success now. We started with very little, with 500 accounts. Now we are reaching 25,000 accounts.

Priya Patel: Wow.

Friedrich W.: So, 200 terabytes of data is actually it. But one thing was definitely key was, in the beginning was your product ... what's now called KeySafe, had a different name in the beginning. Because we got a lot of pushback from customers. Sharing information through the cloud was like, "Oh well, that's our internal policy does for prevent that." You can't use a cloud system for sharing data with us. KeySafe helped us with their perspective that they say, "But we own the key." So it helped to drive the conversation to move away from, I would say, old fashion of file sharing.

Priya Patel: And you said that you moved from 50 to 20,000 users in what timeframe? And what was the process?

Friedrich W.: I think it was over ... I know my finance guys hounded me on the budget, because it was in a timeframe of one and a half years or two years.

Priya Patel: Wow.

Friedrich W.: The good thing was, is actually people loved it. I mean, I talked on a Box conference-

Friedrich W.: Actually, people loved it. I mean, I talked on a box conference line. It's a security guy.... I'm sometimes the most hated people because I put the stuff in place that nobody likes, or sometimes makes it even a little bit complicated, right. That's the nature of the security sometimes. Box is one of the few things that people said thank you for bringing in, because it was very easy for them to use. We had the mobile device, so the strategy was really.... I want to bring security, but also usability, right. And that was a good match with Box.

Priya Patel: Got it.

Friedrich W.: But it was three years, so it was very easy.

Priya Patel: For the portals you mentioned that you had 40 portals, and you've now consolidated to one portal. Are you using... You're using Okta's....

Friedrich W.: Yes.

Priya Patel: ....Platform?

Friedrich W.: Yes. Okta is our essential platform for all access management.

Priya Patel: Got it. And Terrance, how are you.... what are some of the key use cases of Box currently at Europe?

Terence Chan: We have much smaller stats. I mean, we have about 1,000 as I mentioned for our staff and we're at about 4 1/2 terabytes of data with 1.76 million files. I think that we've been really successful in rolling this out and having our users adopt it, because as I mentioned, the close partnership between Okta and Box, and be able to free the permissions. You know, people didn't have to request access to folders and files. They could just go directly to the folks that they were working with and request the access and they could empower the users to really manage the content. The other thing that was really easy was just being at the deeper vision users’ rate from Okta. You know, deeper vision to user, and they lose access to the folders, files, and applications. Then the granular permission-ing, and the sharing of files and folders have been also really, really great.

Priya Patel: Can you talk a little bit about what other applications you're integrating Box with, or plan to?

Terence Chan: Yeah, currently we're looking at integrating Box with Sales Force for our sales and corporate engagement teams to be able to link files to their records in Sales Force. Then we're also looking at Work Place for our collaboration platform, and that's another place that we're going to be integrating Box with.

Priya Patel: Frederick, what was the process of just deploying Box with Okta at Flex?

Friedrich W.: So we started with Box first, right. Okta was like a year later where we switched succinct providers, single sign on, which was very easy with Okta, the connect cloud, which is like very seamless and very easy. So, Box was very, I mean, we had our combine, we had like introducing people, but people picked it up. I mean it's.... I think the best advertising was people talking to other people, and saying how easy it is to use Box and to share, right. So we actually had our communication campaign explain.... But we explained how to use Box, but we didn't expect that explosion on accounts. So, because the word got out and said this easy, I can use my phone, I can.... I mean, I shared last time a presentation on my phone through Apple TV, right. It's so easy now these days. Nobody remembers, maybe 5 years, 10 years ago that would be like never going to happen, right. We tend to forget what's the past, right. We get so used to this technology so very easy.

So, but in the end it was like.... It didn't, it was communication was very important to show users certain things, how to do it, very easy user guides. But I think as people were talking, that was our best marketing ever.

Priya Patel: Terrance, anything to add on the deployment front for Box?

Terence Chan: Yeah, I think that the little learning curve like you saw in the demo is just really easy to hop on and start using it. It's pretty self-explanatory. We act and integrate our permissions with active directories still. There's a simple UI, there's a learning curve. We also promote a lot of short videos, we did promotions and contests to try to get adoption rates. I do actually have some stats from our last call with our Box rep about some of our usages, and we have 14% increase quarter over quarter in terms of uploads. That totaled to about half a million in the last quarter. We have also had 102% increase quarter over quarter in downloads, and that totals over 2.6 million last quarter. So really high adoption rate, really great success with our users. We also guided our departments. We said okay, by this date, you need to move your files from the network drive into Box. We're going to help you and show you how to do it, and then we started making our network drives read only so they couldn't add more files, and then eventually we just took those drives away.

So we kind of forced them into the platform, but we really wanted to empower them and guide them as well. But yeah, I think all in all it's been really successful. And again, I think it's being able to access the files was huge. Being able to access them anywhere, from any device, as you mentioned, and a.... You know, I think office online aps has been huge too. The co-authoring piece, they had to work on a file together, see where people are instead of having to share your screen or send files over email. Now it's just so seamless that people just being able to access the data, and being able to work on it together.

Priya Patel: So Frederick, I have a question for you as a security leader of this global company with 200,000 employees. I know that a lot of IT leaders might feel some hesitancy around moving their content fully to the Cloud. What were your considerations? What would you tell someone that is basically asking, hey is it safe to move to the Cloud, who has hesitations?

Friedrich W.: I mean it's depending on the business, right. I mean, I think if you.... If everyone looks, this is the goal and strategy, and this you should do.... I think everyone needs to look into their business model and see what makes sense for them, right. I mean, there are successful companies who did it, right? Netflix runs from AWS and I don't think they're more unsecure than anyone else, right. So we still have a mix, right. We still have own permits, but we moved a lot of stuff to the Cloud for a simple reason, I don't believe it's more secure having it on premise. Think about it like.... A five server, a normal 5 server still has no data encryption at risk. It's like, it's not really more secure than if I move my stuff to the Cloud, right. So it's like.... It's funny to see some middle level companies telling me with one or two security people telling me it's more secure to keep it in your data center.

As instead of moving to Cloud or a dedicated security team, alright. So, it's kind of a little bit a moving around. That doesn't mean you have other problems, right. First of all, it's a trust. You need to trust the company, that she's doing the right thing. So you need to do your due diligence, right. Not every Cloud company is the same, so you need to have an understanding. What kinds of questions you need to ask, what kind of due diligence you need to have to do.

Second thing is, you need to have a strategy when you move all your content to the cloud. Maybe you don't like the Box, but how do I get off the Cloud if I want? Which doesn't mean I want to maybe change the provider, right. I don't want to write my life off to one provider for the rest of my life. So you need to have an understanding how to develop, or how to move stuff, and I might move off from one platform to the other platform, right. And what kind of implication it has. But from a security perspective, I think we should have passed now the time where we say the Cloud is still unsecure or something. I think the time.... I think it's already proof, I mean, if you think about it, I have more data breaches on my corporate network as I have on my Cloud providers, right. Even if you think about it, I mean, Box, Microsoft, everyone moved to the Cloud. They all were like.... They have seen millions of attacks, right. They do it.... You guys do the right thing, right.

Because it's your core. If you have a data breach, you're most likely out of business very soon, right. So you have to focus on security, right. People tend to forget if you do this with your own primary stuff, that it's not more secure because you have believed you're in control. Because I give some control to my men though, right. But this is a fake control, right. This is like, okay because it's my server, my data center, doesn't mean I have better controls, or better visibility security as I would have with a Cloud provider.

Priya Patel: Any questions from the audience?

Friedrich W.: They're all waiting for lunch. Let's go.

Priya Patel: No questions? Okay. Yes?

Speaker 1: Hi. In using Box, we've used it from internal collaboration perspective for those folks that are using mobile devices. But we're moving more towards collaboration with vendors, and we're looking for best practices around periodic access review and clean-up that usually isn't the initial focus when folks get in to something like this. Do you have any recommendations or any suggestions?

Friedrich W.: I have the same issue as you do. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't.... So, I think that's where we see a bit of a mess when the deprovisioning and the provisioning is working fine, but what is happened after with the content, right. If this was an owner, co-owner, or whatever it is. So that's also, under periodic review. We now started doing.... Collecting all elastic search. And then we create on top of that, our own program where we see.... We'll send out the data, give everyone transparency, who has the access to, what was the co-owner, are these people still accessed to it, right. But yeah, that's.... I'm hoping Box have soon better.... I mean, I know they have been consult changed. I haven't looked into that, but I have the same issue, right. Because, we are going so fast. Now we have the issue, okay, how we deal with all the.... Because customer asking, are you reviewing it every 90 days?

And that's my problem right now. It's like, it's not.... We haven't figured that completely out yet. So sorry for not giving you better answer. Apology.

Priya Patel: Ken, is there anything that you know of that we're working on in terms of the admin console or making it? No? Okay. We can take that as a note back to our product team.

Friedrich W.: Yes.

Priya Patel: Any other questions?

Speaker 2: Yes, just not totally related to Box only. But in terms of data backups and protection.... Let's say, Box one day lost all the data, what kind of strategy to implement to prevent that for restore for your users?

Terence Chan: I think in our.... Back when we were using network drives, we used like previous versions to do restore. We used.... We used Cloud online backup as well to restore files, and that was always very clunky. It took IT a lot of time to go through and look for the files, find the folder that you were looking for. You know, today we have versioning within files. So if somebody overwrote a file by accident, you can see who's made edits when, and you can just re-write right back to that file, which has been super easy and the users can do it, which is great. In terms of, we haven't had any major deletions or re-searches. You know, there's a strong permission structure there. If though you share a file within a folder, they can't go and delete the whole folder. They only have access to that file that you shared with them. So, I think that there's more granular permissions. There's kind of self-empowered restores and stuff like that. I don't think you have.... You don't even see the folders that you don't have access to, so you can't even delete those ones.

At that high level, when you saw the demo of all your folders that you have access to, you can't go and delete the HR folder, for example. So that's just not even possible.

Priya Patel: Yeah, a lot of our customers.... One of our differentiators verses a lot of other solutions is that we do get very granular with our permissions levels by user. So it looks like we're out of time. Want to thank the panel for joining us today, and sharing your insights with everyone.

Terence Chan: Thanks for having us.

Priya Patel: I guess it's Obama time. If you guys have any questions for us, we will be.... We have a giant booth, if you haven't seen it at the expo where we'll be demoing. You can also contact us sales@box.com. Thank you.

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