Meet Your Okta Customer Identity Expert, Daniel Marma



Simple self-service account password recovery, it’s a beautiful thing.

Customer identity and access management is not something to be pushed to deal with once the app is built… It’s your first line of security and can accelerate or hinder your application development and totally impact user flow… thus stifle your growth potential

What I learned in my two decades of the evolution of technology platforms… You can gain loyalty or lose customer confidence if you don’t have the right user experience…  so having a solid, well thought out plan on how to onboard, authenticate, and assert identity will show your customers you understand their time and identity is precious… and avoid those horrific headlines of data breach from your internet applications.

Recently, I recorded a podcast called "Meet Your Okta Customer Identity Expert" where I shared my approach to designing an identity platform… The methods I take instill design simplicity and rapid wins, without the compromise of security and usability.

I do this by breaking down the architectural session into small bite-sized conversations, this way we can address everyone's concerns from the business & technical teams to the legal folks who are interpreting the compliance requirements of handling Personal information and the impacts of GDPR.

Boiling your requirements down into a document, will help understand what is needed to be successful… drive your project tasks, mitigate the security risk, and provide reference for executive summary.

I’m Dan Marma, and this is the Meet Your Okta Customer Identity Expert Podcast, click the link to listen.

Listen to this podcast as Dan Marma and Jiong Liu discuss how customers leverage our API Products to build seamless customer experiences.

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