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Leadership + Industry

Cultivating Balance and Belonging on Your Teams

Madhavi Bhasin, Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, Okta
Aubrey Blanche, Director of Equitable Design and Impact, Culture Amp

This sessions focuses on how individual managers and team members can build and nurture a culture of balance and belonging on their teams. There are several initiatives launched by companies to create inclusion and belonging but to be successful these efforts need wider adoption. Aubrey Blanche, Director of Equitable Design and Impact at Culture Amp, will join us to discuss what can individual managers and team members do to build a culture of balance and belonging on their teams.

Customer + Developer Awards Ceremony

Eric Kelleher, Senior Vice President, Customer First, Okta

Join us for the live unveiling of the Oktane20 Customer + Developer Awards Winners! The Oktane Awards reflect on the impressive work our customers have done over the past year. They recognise the brilliant and forward-thinking individuals who equip their organisations with the right technologies to drive innovative solutions to today’s toughest business challenges.

Why Tech Matters

Erin Baudo Felter, VP, Social Impact, Okta
Jim Fruchterman, Founder/CEO, Tech Matters

Jim Fruchterman is an engineer and entrepreneur who founded and led Benetech, a Silicon Valley nonprofit technology company that develops software applications to address unmet needs of users in the social sector, for nearly 30 years. In this session, Jim speaks with Okta's VP of Social Impact, Erin Baudo Felter, about his new plans to continue advancing the positive impact of technology in the social sector.

The Accidental IT Director

Colin Boyle, IT Director, Step-up Sun Coast
Dar Veverka, Director of IT, Urban Teachers

You’ve been here for years and it’s finally happened! You’ve been promoted! You’re the IT Director – congrats! Soooo what’s different from yesterday? You still have all the same projects on your plate, still the same task list to get done. Or do you? A lot of nonprofit techies are accidental techies. They landed in technology with no prior tech training, and sometimes they end up heading their technology departments without being given any additional training, guidance or supports. They become accidental IT leaders. Join us as current nonprofit technology leaders delve into the things we wish someone had told us when we were promoted, skills we’ve found invaluable over the years – both technical and non-technical – as technologists in leadership roles, missteps we’ve seen (and made!), and various other practical insights you can use to survive and thrive in your new or future tech leadership role.

A Solutions-based Approach to IT Management

Snegha Ramnarayanan, Sr. Security Specialist, Okta
Christina Louie Dyer, Senior Manager, Global Programs, Box.org
Bryan Breckenridge, Executive Director, Box.org
Adam Rosenzweig, Program Manager, Nonprofit Success, Okta
Jonathan Mergy, Director of IT, Tides

As a nonprofit technology leader, you build solutions to support every other function within your organisation. That often requires figuring out how to stitch together multiple products in order to solve complex problems. In this session, a diverse team of professionals from both the corporate and nonprofit sectors will share practical approaches to identifying your organisation's most urgent needs and leveraging the interoperability of cloud-based, best-of-breed technologies to create high-value solutions.

Quantifying the Value of Technology Investments for Nonprofits

Marques Stewart, Senior Director, Network & Cloud Infrastructure, Achievement First
John Wilke, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Okta Marissa Monaco, Senior Customer Success Manager, Okta

How do you measure the value of technology in your organisation? How do you communicate that value to your stakeholders? Join experts from Okta’s Business Value and Customer First teams to learn how to quantify the return on your organisations investments in technology. This session kicks off with an introduction on how and why Okta is developing a nonprofit-focused approach to calculate “business value.” Then, you’ll hear directly from a seasoned nonprofit technology leader that has performed this analysis for his own organisation. Once you understand the methodology, we’ll share practical advice on how to communicate the results to your colleagues and funders.

Building Digital Experiences in Healthcare

Mike Towers, Chief Security Officer, Takeda
Ally Kozel, Customer Advocacy Specialist, Okta

Historically, biopharmaceutical companies have had little to no direct interaction with patients. With industry trends demanding more ongoing health management, optimising the patient’s digital experience is fast becoming a fundamental requirement. Identity is a core backbone upon which to build and enable these digital experiences, and Takeda’s values of patient, trust and reputation make this a critically important pillar of our strategy.

A Conversation With Ben Horowitz, Author of "What You Do Is Who You Are"

Ben Horowitz, Cofounder and General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
Ryan Carlson, Chief Marketing Officer, Okta

In "What You Do Is Who You Are," Ben Horowitz, a leading venture capitalist, modern management expert, and New York Times bestselling author, combines lessons both from history and from modern organisational practice with practical and often surprising advice to help executives build cultures that can weather both good and bad times. Join this session to hear Ben advise leaders on how to build and sustain the cultures they want.