Secure Cloud Infrastructure
Build a comprehensive cloud infrastructure and increase cloud computing security with unified Identity & Access Management for AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure
Shift Identity Left - Secure DevOps Automation
As more organisations automate the delivery of software and provisioning of cloud infrastructure services, ensuring the right security guard rails are in place early on in the process is critical. With Okta, you can make identity & access part of your automation, not an afterthought.
A Zero Trust architecture for your critical infrastructure resources
Okta builds infrastructure security into every step of cloud computing. Every login is independently authenticated and authorised, and minted an ephemeral credential tightly scoped to the individual request.

These are some of our customers that have secured their cloud infrastructure with Okta Advanced Server Access. Find out how they did it.

Okta's Advanced Server Access delivers a Zero Trust architecture that protects Personal Capital’s critical infrastructure.

Leveraging Okta ASA provides Workiva with the contextual access controls needed to make smart trust decisions, while still preserving strong network layer security.