Zero Trust framework: A comprehensive, modern security model

A Zero Trust framework is a security model that acts on the principle of "never trust, always verify," requiring strict Identity confirmation for every human and device trying to access resources on a private network, regardless of their location.

Key takeaways

A Zero Trust architecture consists of security controls that move defences from static, network-based perimeters to focus on users, assets, and resources. 

  • Zero Trust solutions encapsulate three core principles: least privileges, no implicit trust, and continuous monitoring. 
  • Seven tenets advocated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) must be satisfied for a Zero Trust framework: policy-driven AuthN and AuthZ, integrity and security of assets, secure communication, access granted per session, access granted per resource, continuous monitoring, and a dynamic observable state.

Components of a Zero Trust framework

Zero Trust is not a single technology but a set of controls intertwined with a security mesh defence strategy. 

Elements of a Zero Trust framework include:

  • Identity verification and access management: Allows only authenticated and authorised users to access specific resources by verifying their identities and managing their access levels through an evolving set of cybersecurity paradigms
  • Device security and trust assessment: Secures endpoint devices and assesses their trustworthiness before granting access to network resources, implementing security measures like anti-malware software, encryption, and compliance checks
  • Network segmentation and micro-segmentation: Divides the network into smaller, distinct zones to limit access to sensitive information and reduce the attack surface, providing granular control at the workload or application level
  • Data protection and encryption: Ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data by implementing encryption techniques at rest and in transit, and includes data loss prevention (DLP) strategies
  • Continuous monitoring and behavioural analytics: Leverages advanced analytics to continuously monitor network and user activities, identifying abnormal behaviour that may indicate a security threat
  • Security policy enforcement and adaptive controls: Implements and enforces security policies that can adapt in real-time to changing threat landscapes and user contexts
  • Employee training and security awareness: Educates employees on security best practices, potential threats, and their role in maintaining organisational security
  • Compliance and auditing: Confirms that organisational security policies and practices meet regulatory and compliance standards through regular audits that assess the effectiveness of the security measures
  • Vendor and third-party risk management: Addresses the risks associated with third-party vendors and service providers to align with an organisation's security standards
  • Automated threat detection and response systems: Employs automation and machine learning to detect security threats in real-time and respond to them quickly to minimise potential damage
  • Secure communication and collaboration tools: Uses encrypted communication and collaboration tools to ensure that data shared across the organisation remains confidential and protected
  • Application security and secure software development practices: Integrates security into the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities early in development
  • Cloud security and configuration management: Protects cloud-based resources and services by implementing proper security configurations, access controls, and compliance measures
  • Incident response planning and management: Prepares for, manages, and recovers from security incidents with a well-defined plan that outlines roles, responsibilities, and procedures
  • Integration of security technologies and platforms: Creates a cohesive security environment by incorporating diverse security technologies and platforms for better visibility, control, and response capabilities

Why Zero Trust matters in today’s digital landscape

The surge in cyber threats and breaches, compounded by the expansion of remote work, cloud computing, and the use of personal devices for work, has rendered traditional security measures inadequate. This shift has broadened the attack surface, making perimeter-based security models obsolete against the evolving tactics of cybercriminals, who use sophisticated methods like ransomware and phishing to disrupt defences. A stronger security posture is needed to evolve with these rapid changes and increased vulnerability.


Traditional security models, which assumed internal network traffic was safe, no longer work to combat sophisticated external and internal threats. In contrast, a Zero Trust framework, which treats every access request as potentially hostile, regardless of its origin, requires rigorous verification for all users and devices attempting to access network resources. This approach protects organisational assets across an ever-changing threat landscape.

Zero Trust frameworks and remote work security

Organisations have struggled to secure remote work environments as they adapt to dispersed workforces accessing corporate resources from an array of locations and devices. This transformation has heightened the vulnerability of networks to unauthorised access and cyberattacks, underlining the importance of strengthened security measures.

Implementing a Zero Trust framework is a pivotal strategy for protecting remote access. By assuming no user or device is trusted by default and requiring verification for every access attempt, Zero Trust minimises the risks associated with remote work. This approach provides a strong defence against potential security breaches in remote work scenarios.

Simplifying complex IT environments with Zero Trust

Modern IT environments, often with a mix of cloud and on-premises resources, pose substantial security challenges. These environments require a seamless approach to security that can adapt to different types of infrastructure without compromising protection.

A Zero Trust framework can simplify security in complex IT landscapes with integration strategies across systems that apply consistent policy enforcement, Identity verification, and access control to provide a unified security posture.

Zero Trust for compliance and data protection

Zero Trust architecture aligns closely with data protection limitations by enforcing strict access controls and Identity verification, ensuring that sensitive information is accessed only by authorised personnel. This approach enhances security and aids organisations in meeting stringent compliance requirements across various industries.

By implementing Zero Trust principles, companies can more effectively safeguard their data and demonstrate compliance with industry-specific regulations. This makes Zero Trust an invaluable tool for organisations looking to protect their critical assets while adhering to legal and regulatory standards for data protection and privacy.

Mitigating insider threats through Zero Trust

Recognising the risk of insider threats is essential, as they can originate from within the organisation, bypassing traditional security measures designed to thwart external attacks. These threats can come from anyone with internal access, from employees to outside contractors, making them particularly challenging to detect and prevent.

Adopting Zero Trust strategies is effective in mitigating these internal risks. By enforcing strict access controls and continuously verifying the Identity and access rights of all users, Zero Trust minimises the potential damage insiders can inflict. This approach ensures that individuals can access only the information and resources necessary for their roles, reducing the scope for insider threats and enhancing overall security.

Streamlining security management with Zero Trust

Traditional security management often faces inefficiencies due to its reliance on perimeter-based defences and the assumption that internal network traffic is inherently safe. This outdated model struggles to adapt to the dynamic nature of modern cyber threats and the increasing complexity of IT environments, leading to gaps in security coverage and operational inefficiencies.

The adoption of Zero Trust frameworks can streamline cybersecurity operations. By enforcing a “never trust, always verify” approach, Zero Trust eliminates the need for separate internal and external security measures, simplifying the security infrastructure. This model enhances operational efficiency by reducing the attack surface, automating security processes, and providing clear visibility and control over who accesses what within the network. Consequently, Zero Trust not only tightens security but also optimises the management and operational aspects of cybersecurity efforts.

Balancing security and UX

The implementation of a Zero Trust framework can initially seem at odds with user experience (UX), as the rigorous verification processes might introduce perceived hurdles to seamless access. However, when properly implemented, Zero Trust can enhance security without significantly compromising UX. The key lies in balancing rigid security measures with the need for user convenience and efficiency.

Best practices for maintaining a positive UX in a Zero Trust environment include the use of single sign-on (SSO) solutions, multi-factor authentication (MFA) that is secure and user-friendly, and adaptive authentication mechanisms that adjust security requirements based on the user's context and risk profile. By integrating these practices, organisations can ensure robust security through Zero Trust while also offering a streamlined and hassle-free experience to users, effectively balancing security needs with usability.

Digital transformation, cloud adoption, and Zero Trust

In the journey of digital transformation and the widespread adoption of cloud computing, Zero Trust frameworks provide resilience and security. As organisations shift towards more agile and cloud-centric models, the need for a security framework that can adapt to further complexity and an expanded threat surface has increased.

Incorporating Zero Trust principles within cloud-based environments safeguards sensitive data and applications. By applying strict access controls and continuous verification of all access requests, regardless of their origin, Zero Trust helps fortify cloud infrastructures against unauthorised access and potential breaches. Embracing Zero Trust supports the dynamic nature of digital transformation and aligns with the cloud’s inherent flexibility, providing a robust security posture that can scale and adapt to organisational needs.

Zero Trust framework tools and technologies

Implementing a Zero Trust framework necessitates a suite of tools and technologies designed to enforce rigorous access controls and continuous verification, including:

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM): Consolidates user identities and controls access to resources management, allowing only authorised users access to specific information
  • MFA: Contributes an added layer of security by requiring users to provide at least two verification factors to gain access to resources, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorised access
  • Privileged Access Management (PAM): Controls and monitors access to crucial systems and data by managing privileged accounts, thereby reducing the risk of breaches through elevated permissions
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): Delivers real-time visibility into network activity by aggregating and analysing log and event data, helping to detect and respond to threats swiftly
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): Secures endpoints, such as laptops and mobile devices, by continuously monitoring and responding to cyber threats
  • Network segmentation: Divides networks into smaller segments, limiting the movement of attackers within the network and reducing the overall attack surface
  • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA): Grants access to applications based on the identity and context of the user, rather than the traditional network location, enhancing security for remote and hybrid workforces
  • Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB): Provide visibility and control over data in cloud applications, enforcing security policies and assessing risk across cloud services
  • Secure Web Gateways (SWG): Protect users from web-based threats and enforce company policies by inspecting and filtering unwanted software/malware from web traffic
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Helps prevent sensitive data from leaving the organisation unauthorizedly, so data is not lost, accessed, or misused by unauthorised users

Evaluating and selecting the right Zero Trust solution

Finding the best Zero Trust Identity solution involves a thorough understanding of unique security needs, infrastructure, and specific challenges. Fundamental considerations include:

  • Assess security needs: Identify distinguishing security challenges, including the types of data you need to protect, regulatory compliance requirements, and any known vulnerabilities or previous security incidents. 
  • Understand the IT environment: Consider the complexity and distribution of the network, including remote and mobile access needs, and whether the environment is on-prem, cloud-based, or hybrid.
  • Identify key features and capabilities: Determine mandatory features and capabilities. This might include MFA, IAM, network segmentation, encryption, and continuous monitoring and response.
  • Consider integration and scalability: Ensure the chosen solution can seamlessly integrate with existing security tools and IT infrastructure and scale to accommodate future growth and evolving security threats. 
  • Evaluate vendor reputation and support: Research potential vendors for reputation, experience, and the level of support offered. 
  • Conduct a pilot test: Consider conducting a pilot test with a limited scope to evaluate the effectiveness and fit with your existing environment and make needed adjustments before a full launch.
  • Review compliance and regulatory considerations: Assess how potential solutions align with organisational compliance, industry regulations, and data protection law requirements, including data privacy, reporting, and audit trails.
  • Cost-benefit analysis: Conduct a cost-benefit analysis and weigh it against the potential benefits, including reduced risk of data breaches, improved compliance posture, and enhanced operational efficiency.

Selecting the right Zero Trust framework solution requires strategic consideration of essential capabilities and the potential impact on your security posture and business operations.

Zero Trust frameworks in action across industries

A security-first approach for protecting sensitive data, ensuring compliance, and defending against cyber threats is a must-have for all modern businesses. Here's how various sectors are prioritising security using a Zero Trust model:

  • Cloud service providers: Enhancing security in cloud environments to protect hosted services and data.
  • Education: Protecting student records and academic research from cyber threats.
  • Energy and utilities: Defending infrastructure from cyber vulnerabilities.
  • Financial services: Fortifying financial transactions and customer information.
  • Government and public sector: Safeguarding sensitive citizen data against unauthorised access.
  • Healthcare: Shielding patient data and ensuring HIPAA compliance.
  • Healthcare research: Protecting sensitive research data and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Technology and IT services: Combating cyber threats within technology ecosystems.
  • Retail and e-commerce: Bolstering security of customer data and enhancing consumer trust.
  • Manufacturing and industrial: Securing intellectual property and safeguarding industrial control systems.
  • Legal and professional services: Preserving client confidentiality and ensuring data integrity.
  • Media and entertainment: Protecting digital content and user data against piracy and breaches.
  • Real estate: Securing online transactions and protecting sensitive client information.
  • Telecommunications: Ensuring the security of networks and safeguarding customer information.
  • Transportation and logistics: Safeguarding logistics data and ensuring the integrity of supply chain networks.

Okta's Approach to Zero Trust

Learn how an Identity-powered Zero Trust solution can be the lynchpin for your organisation’s security posture and improve business value through IT efficiencies, better user experience, and total cost savings.