The Future of Work is Dynamic

The way we work is changing. A more personalised, flexible work experience can empower our employees to be their most productive and successful selves. Feel free to take what you and your organisation can from this framework for the future of work and make it your own.

Our vision is to personalise the work experience

We’ll enable employees to work from wherever makes most sense for them, provide flexible work schedules, the right technology and personalised benefits to make work, work for each person. And, we’ll find unique ways for people to collaborate and communicate so that they feel ownership and belonging.

When we started piloting Dynamic Work at Okta in 2019, we found that this flexibility increased empowerment, satisfaction and productivity. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated our move to Dynamic Work and we believe our experience and vision will be widely applicable to every company thinking about how to reinvent their work environments. Together, we can make work more liveable and sustainable.

Okta new office

Dynamic work addresses shifts across the world

Even before COVID-19, macroeconomic, generational and technology trends were affecting the workforce making not just remote work but Dynamic Work a necessity. Our strategy helps us prepare for the realities the workforce faces.

Urban unaffordability

The cost of city living is rapidly increasing but salaries are not growing at the same rates. This leads employees to spend more on rent or mortgages than they would like or live outside of larger markets and commute for hours every day. Allowing employees to work from anywhere drives efficiency and enables organisations to hire diverse talent from outside of the markets in which they have offices.

Generational shifts

Millennials — a generation known for prioritising impact, freedom and flexibility — will comprise the majority of the workforce by 2025. Gen Z is entering the workforce for the first time and their preferences are also different from those of Millenials or Gen X. We need to empower these different generations with a flexible approach to work that enables them to do great work in a way that has a meaningful impact.

Technology trends

Every company is a technology company. The proliferation of cloud technology provides organisations with more flexibility to meet their employee and customer needs from anywhere.

Distributed workforces

The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the need for remote collaboration, security and productivity solutions across industries. The traditional workplace is a thing of the past and organisations are moving toward a more distributed, flexible working environment. Learn how to secure your dynamic workforce.

Getting technology infrastructure right

Having the right technologies in place is critical for the success of the entire employee base. Whether employees are connecting in an office space, from a coffee shop or from their homes, they need to be able to collaborate effectively and access the technologies that make them productive and successful.

Our current reliance on workplace collaboration, security and productivity tools will not go away. A Dynamic Work environment requires a variety of software and hardware tools like Box, Slack, Proofpoint, Zoom, digital whiteboards, utilisation sensors and more. You can see the tools that organisations are employing to improve productivity and collaboration and secure their dynamic workforce in our recent Businesses @ Work From Home report and in the remote work toolkit.

Redesigning and rethinking the traditional workspace

The future workspace requires reimagining to better fit a dynamic workforce. This new environment includes adaptable spaces that allow for movement and flexibility during the work day, while incorporating the latest technology for efficient connectivity and collaboration. Spaces will provide customers, partners and employees with a place to connect and work, while not requiring a regular in-office schedule.

To see what the office of the future looks like, scroll through our early concepts below:


Cultivating a great company culture

Dynamic Work is more than enabling employees to work from anywhere; it’s about providing employees with comparable benefits (healthcare, fitness, volunteer opportunities) and flexible work environments and experiences, regardless of their location. With Dynamic Work, leaders need to rethink how they’re supporting employees and cultivating a great culture. The key is providing flexibility: over the hours that employees work, where they live and work​, the benefits you offer and how often and when they work in an office.

Dynamic Work organisations should also provide more access to virtual learning and development opportunities and enable hiring managers to hire from a broader, more diverse pool of talent because they are no longer tied to the physical constraints of an office or city.

To keep things fun and provide employees with opportunities to engage in a more social setting, leaders should also incorporate virtual workplace activities, such as happy hours, external speakers for Employee Resource Group meetings, or fitness competitions where employees win swag.

Okta company culture