Protect Against Data Breaches

Redefine security with modern identity

The challenge

Credential harvesting is a leading cause of data breaches

There is more data to protect in more places, including cloud, mobile, and legacy apps.

Stolen and recycled passwords continue to pose an important security issue

Poor access control management leaves people with access to everything

Authentication strategies haven’t evolved  in 15+ years

The solution

With identity, there’s a better approach

Centralise identity

Reduce password management risk with secure access control via single sign-on

Enable strong authentication

Protect data no matter how it's accessed with a variety of multi-factor authentication methods

Reduce attack surface

Eliminate blindspots by knowing exactly who has access to what with lifecycle management

Enable visibility and response

Centralize data across security systems to provide visibility into seemingly disparate events

Centralise identity

Managing multiple passwords is hard. Managing multiple good, non-repetitive passwords is even harder. Reduce password management risk by centralising identity with single sign-on so you can ensure the passwords you do use are as strong as possible.

Your success criteria:

  • Eliminate passwords where possible
  • Enable strong, unique passwords everywhere else
  • Unify identity infrastructure for IT to reduce account management complexity
  • Unify access for users to eliminate passwords while simplifying access  
  • Mitigate risk and reduce identity sprawl by restricting access to services via intelligent SAML connections
Okta End User Dashboard Redesign

Enable strong authentication

Passwords have inherent limitations. Strengthen identity assurance with a variety of multi-factor authentication methods including one-time-passwords, soft or physical tokens, or even biometrics. Apply and manage these policies to all applications so you protect your data no matter where or how people access it.

Your success criteria:

  • Harden critical applications with step-up authentication
  • Apply unified policy to on-premises, cloud, and mobile
Multi-factor authentication push notification
  • Enable ‘MFA Everywhere’ through 7,000+ out-of-the-box connections on the Okta Integration Network
  • Extend coverage to on-premises applications via support for RADIUS, RDP, ADFS, and LDAP
  • Make intelligent, contextual access decisions based on device and connection attribute

Reduce attack surface

Not knowing who has access to what can leave you with security blindspots, especially if employees change roles or leave. Proper lifecycle management eliminates these gaps by reducing possible attacker entry points—plus it simplifies provisioning and deprovisioning.

Your success criteria:

  • Automate provisioning with accurate entitlements
  • Deprovision at scale, and enable visibility and reporting
Rogue Accounts Reporting
  • Automated provisioning and deprovisioning accelerates consistent onboarding, while eliminating orphan accounts
  • Extensible for custom applications via SCIM, SDK, and Okta’s API
  • Complete lifecycle management ensures the right level of access to the right applications with access request workflows

Enable visibility and response

Security shouldn't be restricted to silos. With identity as the modern perimeter, it's essential for authentication data to be available across security systems to provide complete visibility. This gives you the opportunity to correlate seemingly disparate events, identify possible threats, and take action faster. 

Your success criteria:

  • Centralised, real-time reporting for all auth events
  • Integrate with existing security tools
System log browser
  • Centralised view into all authentication data across cloud, mobile, and on-premises applications
  • Identify unusual and suspicious behaviours
  • Enrich and enhance your cybersecurity ecosystem via Okta's reporting and System Log API