Improving Experiences through Trust, Convenience and Speed

In the last year, organisations have had to make drastic changes – the key focus of these changes was on improving employee and customer experiences. Ecosystm research finds that 64% of organisations have improving customer experience as their key business priority in 2021-22; and 51% will use more collaboration platforms and tools for employees. The challenge organisations face is in making sure that the technology to support these objectives is available, usable, and secure – while being flexible at the same time. 

It is also true that cyber-attacks often originate from what appears to be trusted devices and individuals or from applications that reside inside the network.

Access the report to learn why A Zero Trust framework embracing the entire IT system with a uniform approach to all applications and users is becoming essential, as organisations aim to enhance experiences. 

Download your copy of the report to learn:

  • The need for a holistic approach to Zero Trust and Identity Management
  • The pitfalls to avoid when deploying Zero Trust
  • How major global Logistics provider benefitted from a Zero Trust Security model
Improving Experiences through Trust, Convenience and Speed

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