Okta for Good Innovation Lab
About the Innovation Lab
Meet our grantees

Building an open agriculture content platform for smallholder farmers
Smallholder farmers feed one-third of the world’s population but live on less than $2.50 per day. Sprout is a centralized, open-access platform where content developers can efficiently deliver critical, high-quality content to smallholder farmers that can improve their productivity and meet the growing demand for food production in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Building an open source platform for child helplines
30 million children reach out to helplines every year, yet nearly one-third of these calls are never answered due to a lack of resources and aging technology. Tech Matters has created Aselo, a modern, open source platform that allows children to reach out to helplines via phone, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, webchat, and SMS.

Bundling solutions for micro-retailers
Small shops (“micro-retailers”) are vital to local economies, selling $11 trillion worth of goods annually in developing countries. However, a lack of business skills and access to financial services holds them back. Technoserve is putting purpose-built technology solutions onto a “single pane of glass” in order to secure and streamline access for these critical small business owners.