Last updated: Sep 17, 2020

Github Enterprise Cloud - Organization

Use SSO and user provisioning to securely collaborate and build software


GitHub is how software is built today. Millions of individuals and organizations around the world use GitHub to discover, share, and contribute to software - from experiments and frameworks, to popular games and leading applications.

You can use Okta's single sign-on (SSO) and provisioning capabilities to secure your code base and automatically manage user access between your organization and your code on GitHub.


Add this integration to enable authentication and provisioning capabilities.



Add this application connector to your Okta Workflows, a no-code interface-driven platform for creating custom workflows using a library of integrated third-party applications and functions. Sequence action events together to automate identity-centric business processes.

Github Enterprise Cloud - Organization Connector actions
A wide range of connectors from different apps can be linked to create automated Workflows.

  • Add User to Team
  • Create File Content
  • Custom API Action
  • Search Branches
  • Add User to Organization
  • Read Repository
  • Read User
  • Search Users
  • Remove User from Repository
  • Update Pull Request
  • Read Pull Request
  • Search Teams
  • Update User
  • Search Repositories
  • Create Issue
  • Read Issue
  • Add User to Repository
  • Remove User from Organization
  • Update Issue
  • Search Organizations
  • Create Branch
  • Create Pull Request
  • Update File Content
  • Remove User from Team
Github connector


Github connector
  • Secure Code Warrior connector Slack connector Github connector Okta connector

    Manage Access to Github Repo Based on Secure Code Warrior Assessment Status

Okta Verified
Okta Verified
The integration was either created by Okta or by Okta community users and then tested and verified by Okta.

Languages Supported


