Security Analytics Integrations

In this guide we will discuss the various types of data that can be retrieved from Okta, the potential business value of this data and how to effectively interact with this data.

What is Okta

Okta is the secure foundation for connections between people and technology. With offerings like Single Sign-on (SSO), Lifecycle Management (LCM), Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Universal Directory (UD) and API Access Management, Okta is a cloud enabling platform that is paving the way for fast and wide adoption of cloud services in the enterprise. The power of Okta’s core identity services are also available to software developers and integrators through our developer platform product

Common use cases

Using our logs, you can ingest activities flowing through Okta for the purposes of:

  • Displaying within your dashboards
    • Understanding user behavior in the cloud
    • Creating incidents or alerts based on observations
  • Using our other endpoints, you can discover additional information about users to:
    • Cross reference different identity expressions
      • Different applications referring to user with different identifiers:
        • John Doe
        • Jonathan Doe
        • Jdoe
        • john.doe
    • Identify relationships between users
    • Discover any number of user profile attributes

What do I do now?


Build an integration using these guidelines and following the requirements below

Get Approved

Submit a request to Okta’s partner team to have your integration reviewed

  • Please provide the following:
    • Configuration guide
    • Datasheet
    • Technical and business contact information
    • Support escalation plan


Engage in joint go-to-market opportunities

  • potentially including:
    • Being listed on
    • Field and channel enablement
    • Referral fees
    • Joint webinars
    • Joint events

The Solution

How do I interact with Okta

Okta has well documented public API endpoints, In this document, we will discuss partner integration guidance that builds on that documentation.

Common Guidance and Requirements

Environment Setup

All configurations will need to provide a customer the ability to define their base URL and API key. The base URL will be used as the basis for building organization specific RESTful URLs and the API key is included in the Authorization header of requests to authenticate the interaction. The API key is to be considered extremely sensitive and controls should be put in place to protect it in the same manner that a password would be protected.

More on getting setup

Learn more in the following links:

  • [API Test Client]
  • [Auth Principles]


To provide for visibility into usage patterns and adoption of integrations we require partners to use a distinct and agreed upon User-Agent string. Generally, this would look something like:

Example 1

{company}/{version} Example: Acme/1.1

Example 2

{product}/{version} Example: SuperSIEMNexGen/2.0

Please work with us to register and track the integration.

More on User-Agents

Learn more in the following links:


Most queries to endpoints that returns lists will require support for pagination. Support for pagination must be incorporated into all development. Different endpoints will have different suggested page sizes. Please refer to the endpoint specific documentation below for that guidance.

More on Pagination

Learn more in the following links:

Rate Limiting

  • Variable rate limits are applied to all requests
  • Care should be taken in all development to ensure that rate limits are observed and handled
  • Rate limits are applied at an Okta Org level
    • Queries coming from clients outside of your integration can affect your integration
  • Self throttling and Error handling should be incorporated
    • Errors (429) are returned to calling clients when rate limits are exhausted
More on Rate Limiting

Learn more in the following links:

Intervals and Filters

To protect both parties from wasting resources we have recommended guidelines for polling intervals and default filters to apply. Please refer to the Best Practices sections for each endpoint to review the guidance specific to that endpoint.

More on Intervals and Filters
Endpoint User Agent Page Size Interval Delta Polling Rate Limited More Resources
Logs Required 100 300 Yes Yes (60/Minute) System Log API
Users Required 200 86400 Yes Yes Users API
Groups Required 1000 86400 Yes Yes Groups API
Apps Required 20 86400 No Yes Apps API
appUsers Required 20 - No Yes appUser Object
appGroups Required 20 - No Yes appGroup Object

Endpoint Specific Details

When interacting with Okta there are a variety of different types of data you can retrieve and interact with. This document is structured in such a way that each different data type is described individually by the endpoint (URI) that is used to interact with it.


Our System Log API is a recent addition that improves upon our Events API.
Among other things it provides:

  • Extensible query parameters
    • Only retrieve the data relevant to your need
  • More log context
    • Well defined structure
    • More information

See the reference section at the end of the document for information on migrating from the Event API to the System Log API.

Data provided from this endpoint includes but is not limited to.
Authentication events, user profile updates, user state changes, application and group assignment, Okta platform changes and more. Each log clearly describing the actor, action, targets and context of the event.

This endpoint is most relevant for a SIEM, UEBA or CASB looking to ingest activity from. Other specialized cases exist where tightly scoped queries are made to detect a specific condition or an Ad hoc query to provide enriched context to an incident (security or operational) investigation. An example of such a use case is elaborated in a recent blog post

Best Practices Logs

In addition to the Common Guidance offered above the System Log API carries these unique guidelines.

The page size (limit parameter) should be a configurable value with a range between 10 and 100, the default value should be 100.

For ongoing polling, the of collection should be configurable. Regular polling for new logs is preferred, a suggested default interval between 60 and 300 seconds is encouraged. A maximum interval of 1 day should be enforced.

for Ad hoc queries, crafting a tightly scoped filter and specifying start and end dates to reduce the data overhead associated with trying to do client side filtering.

Ongoing Polling

This approach is intended to address the use-case of the SIEM, UEBA or other external system that aims to ingest all event data from Okta as efficiently as possible. This is accomplished in 2 phases

  • Cold Start
    • The initial collection, including any and all pages returned
  • Warm Start
    • Ongoing collection after an elapsed timer collecting only data that was written after the completion of the Cold Start or a previous Warm Start interval
Collection Pseudocode

This demonstrates logic to deal with pagination aware cold and warm start collection

Pseudocode (pythonish)

  • since = ISO8601 date/time
    • not to exceed 180 days in the past
    • if omitted, defaults to 7 days in the past
  • limit = configurable page size
    • if omitted, default 100
# check for an existing checkpointUrl
if checkpointUrl:
  # This is a warm start, picking up from where we left off
  url = checkpointUrl
  # This is a cold start, use configuration values
  myOkta = "yourOktaDomainName"
  myLimit = 100
  mySince = "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z"
  # your http client library of choice will probably do this part for you
  url = "https://" + myOkta + "/api/v1/logs"
  url += "?since=" + mySince
  url += "&limit=" + myLimit

# collect data and all available pages
while url:
  response = GET url
  results += response.json()
  # determine if there are more pages to collect
  if len(response.json()) = myLimit and 'next' in response.links
    # extract the next link from the response
    url = response.links['next']['url']
  elif len(response.json()) = 0:
    # if this request returned 0 results there is no next link contained
    # use the same as the checkpointUrl for the next iteration
    checkpointUrl = url
    url = false
    # if this request returned fewer results than requested
    # use the next link contained in the response for the next iteration
    checkpointUrl = response.links['next']['url']
    url = false

# store the data collected during this interval
store results

# save the checkpointUrl for future iterations
save checkpointUrl
Ad hoc Queries

This approach is intended to one-off collection of specific events tightly filtered by date, a filter, a query or any valid combination of these as described here

Ad hoc Pseudocode 1

fetch all events occurring in the last 7 days with a specific eventType

Pseudocode (pythonish)

  • limit = configurable page size
    • if omitted, default 100
  • eventType = a specific event type
myOkta = "yourOktaDomainName"
myLimit = 100
myEventType = "user.session.start"
url = "https://" + myOkta + "/api/v1/logs"
url += "?limit=" + myLimit
url += '&filter=(eventType eq "' + myEventType + '")'

# collect data and all available pages
while url:
  response = GET url
  results += response.json()
  # determine if there are more pages to collect
  if len(response.json()) = myLimit and 'next' in response.links
    # extract the next link from the response
    url = response.links['next']['url']
    # if this request returned fewer results than requested we are done
    url = false

# store the data collected during this interval
store results
Ad hoc Pseudocode 2

fetch the most recent 1000 events or 7 days worth of events for a specific user

Pseudocode (pythonish)

  • limit = configurable page size
    • if omitted, default 100
  • userId = a specific user of interest
now = now()
then = now.addDays(-7)
myOkta = "yourOktaDomainName"
myLimit = 100
mySince = then.toISO8601() #"2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z"
myUntil = now.toISO8601()  #"2017-10-08T00:00:00.000Z"
myUserId = "john.doe"
url = "https://" + myOkta + "/api/v1/logs"
url += "?limit=" + myLimit
url += "&since=" +mySince
url += "&until=" +myUntil
url += "&sortOrder=DESCENDING"
url += '&filter=(actor.alternateId eq "' + myUserId + '")'

# collect data and all available pages
while url:
  response = GET url
  results += response.json()
  # determine if we have already collected 1000
  if len(results) >= 1000
    url = false
  # determine if there are more pages to collect
  elif len(response.json()) = myLimit and 'next' in response.links
    # extract the next link from the response
    url = response.links['next']['url']
    # if this request returned fewer results than requested we are done
    url = false

# store the data collected during this interval
store results

Logs Data and More

More details and complete examples are available in our System Log API documentation as well as our ISV Syslog References guide


At the heart of the Okta Identity Cloud is the User object. This object exhaustively describes the user including:

  • Dates related to various updates
  • Credential information
  • Current state
  • An extensible user schema

This information can provide value to any integration seeking to provide user context.

Best Practices Users

In addition to the Common Guidance offered above the Users API carries these unique guidelines.

The page size (limit parameter) should be a configurable value with a range between 10 and 200, the default value should be 200.

The interval of ongoing polling should be configurable. Frequent polling of user objects is generally discouraged and only warranted with strict stipulations described below. While user objects and associated profiles are volatile they are not fluid. Consider the cost/benefit associated with queries you perform.

If your goal is to populate and synchronize an external system with Okta identities a SCIM integration might be warranted. Please review our SCIM Standards documentation resource for more information.

When using the API to sync user data with an external system keep in mind the desired outcome of the integration and perform delta queries using the most appropriate date filter, or query the Logs API to watch for user authentication, lifecycle and profile events.

Drive user updates from events
field associated eventType Note
created user.lifecyle.create When the user was created
activated user.lifecycle.activate When the user was last activated
statusChanged user.lifecycle.* the timestamp of the most recent state change
passwordChanged user.account.update_password the timestamp of the most recent password
lastUpdated user.account.update_profile or any from above the timestamp of the most recent profile, password or state change
lastLogin user.authentication.auth* the timestamp of the most recent

When polling for users, queries should be date driven using the search and filter capabilities:

?filter=lastUpdated gt {startDate}

  • startDate being the time of the last polling interval
  • lastUpdated can be replaced with the most granular date attribute from the list above to suite your specific needs.

With proper filtering the interval used becomes less of an issue, as an integration only interested in credential changes or login activity should filter accordingly and ignore irrelevant churn.

Synchronization jobs should, at a minimum, introduce filters on lastUpdated to ongoing queries to minimize needless sifting.

Users Data

Users State

In addition to the attributes discussed in the filtering guidelines above the User object has a status attribute. Refer to the online documentation describing the controlling state machine.

Users Profile

A Universal Directory enabled Okta Org features an extensible schema with the ability to source and master data from many sources including Applications and Directories. Information related to the user’s organizational role, hierarchy, geographic location and more can be found in the user profile. The schema is extensible and the level of detail contained is based entirely on the customer’s implementation.

The default attributes of a user are aligned with core SCIM attributes and listed here.

Use the q (query) parameter to search across multiple attributes to find users


GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/users/?q=John


    "id": "00u1aq5mpenI88ZEn1d8",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "lastUpdated": "2017-04-17T23:16:50.000Z",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "login": "[email protected]",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "...": "..."
  "...": "..."

Use the q (query) parameter to search across multiple attributes to find users Use our filter and search capabilities to locate users with greater accuracy and flexibility.


GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/users/?filter=(profile.firstName eq "John" AND profile.lastName eq "Doe")


    "id": "00u1aq5mpenI88ZEn1d8",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "lastUpdated": "2017-04-17T23:16:50.000Z",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "login": "[email protected]",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "...": "..."
  "...": "..."
Users - Get Single User

Retrieve a single user based on the user’s:

  • username (short) jdoe
  • username (full) [email protected]
  • Okta id (uid) 00u1aq5mpenI88ZEn1d8

Using Get User


#by Short userName
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/users/jdoe
#by Full userName
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/users/[email protected]
#by Okta id (uid)
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/users/00u1aq5mpenI88ZEn1d8


  "id": "00u1aq5mpenI88ZEn1d8",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "lastUpdated": "2017-04-17T23:16:50.000Z",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "login": "[email protected]",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "...": "..."
"...": "..."

Users More

More details and complete examples are available in our Users API documentation.


Groups are a first-class citizen in the Okta environment. All the standard uses of Groups are leveraged within Okta and subsequently extended to orbiting applications and directories. They serve purposes including but not limited to:

  • Application Assignment
  • Application Role/License/Entitlement
  • Policy Assignment

Best Practices Groups

In addition to the Common Guidance offered above the Groups API carries these unique guidelines.

The page size (limit parameter) should be a configurable value with a range between 100 and 10000, the default value should be 10000.

The interval of ongoing polling should be configurable. Frequent polling of group objects is generally discouraged and only warranted with strict stipulations described below.

When using the API to sync group data and group membership information with an external system keep in mind the desired outcome of the integration.

Tightly tied to the interval used is the idea of doing date bound queries to retrieve delta datasets. There are two Date fields available to determine changes to a group.

  • lastUpdated is the timestamp when a group’s profile was last updated
  • lastMembershipUpdated is the timestamp when a user was last added to or removed from that group

These values change independently. Membership changes will not modify the lastUpdated timestamp.

When polling for groups and group changes, queries should be date driven using the search and filter capabilities:

?filter=lastMembershipUpdated gt {startDate}

  • startDate being the time of the last polling interval
  • lastMembershipUpdated can be replaced with the the most granular date attribute from the list above that suites your specific need.

With proper filtering the interval used becomes less of an issue, as an integration only interested in group membership changes would filter accordingly and ignore irrelevant churn.

Synchronization jobs should, at a minimum, introduce filters on lastMembershipUpdated.

Groups Data

In addition to hosting native groups, Okta can source and replicate group membership between directories and apps. Every group object in Okta will contain a Type property that describes the source of the group. The profile of a group will vary based on the source of the group. Different app groups have different profiles.

Groups will always have a name, description and sufficient context to identify and associate back to their source. For example: An Active Directory group has an externalId attribute that is the AD groups Object-Guid.

Group membership manipulation is the de facto standard for affecting user entitlements and restrictions including but not limited to:

  • Application Assignment
  • Application Role
  • Application License
  • Authentication Policy
  • Password Policy
Groups - Retrieve with stats and app details

Using Get Group you can also add a query parameter expand with a value of app and or stats. The result is a single call with additional details about the group. This method works when getting a singular group by id and when listing groups with or without a filter or query applied.


# ALL groups
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/groups?limit=100&expand=app,stats
# Groups matching filter criteria
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/groups?filter=lastMembershipUpdated gt 2017-04-17T23:16:50.000Z &expand=app,stats
# Specific group based on Group ID (gid)
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/groups/00gwy337uaRYJVHTHACG?expand=app,stats


  "id": "00gwy337uaRYJVHTHACG",
  "lastUpdated": "2017-03-31T23:16:50.000Z",
  "lastMembershipUpdated": "2017-04-17T23:16:50.000Z",
"...": "...",
  "type": "APP_GROUP",
  "...": "...",
  "profile": {
    "name": "Domain Group 1",
    "...": "...",
    "externalId": "nYGCoOeiW0uRVHW3MQcB1Q=="
  "_embedded": {
  "app": {
    "id": "0oarja7d8gWSEGZBPZVB",
    "name": "active_directory",
    "...": "..."
  "stats": {
    "usersCount": 301,
    "appCount": 0,
    "groupPushMappingsCount": 0,
    "...": "..."
  "...": "..."
Groups - Retrieve Group Members

Using the same logic described online in List Group Members you can retrieve a list of users in each group. Hint: use the group._embedded.stats.usersCount value to know if *ANY* users are assigned

If your integration doesn’t need credential and credential provider related details when listing group members use the “skinny_users” endpoint, it operates in the same manner as the “users” endpoint with the following differences in the resulting data object

  • credentials.provider object missing
  • _links object only contains .self reference


# ALL groups
# Get members using Skinny Users endpoint
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/groups/00gwy337uaRYJVHTHACG/skinny_users
# Get members using the regular Users endpoint
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/groups/00gwy337uaRYJVHTHACG/users


    "id": "00u10eqzrjiGORRUNTBM",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "created": "2015-01-07T01:52:51.000Z",
    "...": "...",
    "profile": {
      "login": "[email protected]",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "...": "..."
    "credentials": {
      "recovery_question": {
        "question": "What is the name of your first stuffed animal?"
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""
    "id": "00u10h0t5suAYARMBTGF",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "created": "2015-01-09T05:28:55.000Z",
    "...": "...",
    "profile": {
      "login": "[email protected]",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "...": "..."
    "credentials": {
      "recovery_question": {
        "question": "What was the first thing you learned to cook?"
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""
Groups - Retrieve Apps assigned by a group

Using the logic described online with List Assigned Applications you can retrieve a collection of applications that are assigned based on membership of that group. Hint: Use the group._embedded.stats.appsCount value discussed above to know if *ANY* apps are assigned


GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/groups/00gwy337uaRYJVHTHACG/apps


    "id": "0oa9lv1b0tRF7p34K0h7",
    "name": "scim2headerauth",
    "label": "SCIM 2.0 Test App (Header Auth)",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "...": "...",
    "id": "0oa9sieay0Tju66dM0h7",
    "name": "github_enterprise",
    "label": "GitHub Business2",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "...": "...",
    "id": "0oaa097p4wlH2q8To0h7",
    "name": "servicenow_ud",
    "label": "ServiceNow UD",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "...": "...",
Groups - Change Membership

Methods of, and reasons to, manipulate Groups and Group membership are discussed in our “Write back to enforce policy in Okta” Groups section below.

Groups More

More details and complete examples are available in our Groups API documentation.


Apps are the representation of an application or directory source or target in Okta. Specific application attributes are defined on an app by app basis. Through the Apps endpoint you gain additional insight into who a user is across the ecosystem. We also see the meaning behind a group and the roles and entitlements it describes.

Best Practices Apps

In addition to the Common Guidance offered above, the Apps API carries these unique guidelines.

The page size (limit parameter) should be a configurable value with a range between 10 and 100. The default value should be 20.

The interval of ongoing polling should be configurable. Frequent polling of apps can provide little value on its own. While not resource intensive it should be understood that application additions and changes are infrequent operations, as such an interval minimum of daily should be acceptable.

Further guidance about resources inside of the Apps endpoint are discussed in the AppUsers and AppGroups sections below.

Apps Data

The application data model is described in detail here

Here we will draw attention to a few App attributes and their meaning in the context of a security analytics integration:

  • features
    • This collection will describe the provisioning capabilities that are in effect for the application
  • signOnMode
    • This object will describe what method of authentication (if any) is in place for the application
  • credentials.scheme
    • For applications where Okta is vaulting credentials for application, using this attribute describes how they are managed
Apps - Retrieve active applications

using a filter on the status attribute to retrieve a list the active Applications


GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/apps?filter=status eq "ACTIVE"


    "id": "0oa8tvgiuh93NlQ0W0h7",
    "name": "zendesk",
    "label": "Zendesk",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "lastUpdated": "2016-11-20T04:01:19.000Z",
    "...": "...",
    "features": [
    "signOnMode": "SAML_2_0",
    "...": "..."
    "id": "0oa11hz4wq4dioDw91e8",
    "name": "bluejeans",
    "label": "BlueJeans",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "lastUpdated": "2015-04-17T19:27:36.000Z",
    "...": "...",
    "signOnMode": "BROWSER_PLUGIN",
    "credentials": {
      "userNameTemplate": {
        "template": "${source.login}",
        "type": "BUILT_IN"
      "revealPassword": true,
      "signing": {
        "kid": "..."
    "...": "..."

Apps More

More details and complete examples are available in our Apps API documentation.


Like the User object discussed previously the appUser object is an extensible and information rich data source. The appUser object is a representation of a user’s profile specific to the associated application or directory and can include profile data, role, license information and more depending on the containing application.

Best Practices appUsers

In addition to the Common Guidance offered above, the appUser object carries these unique guidelines.

The page size (limit parameter) should be a configurable value with a range between 10 and 100, the default value should be 20.

A specific need should be present before polling the information present. The data models of appUser objects vary by application and implementation.

If full profile data isn’t required make use of the “skinny_user” variant. This endpoint operates in the same manner as the “users” endpoint but is optimized for speed and efficiency returning a minimized response object.

appUsers Data

Refer to the appUser Object data model for an elaboration of the appUser data structure.

appUsers - Retrieve list of appUsers for an App

Using this method you can list the user assigned to an app which will include their appUser profile.


# ALL users using skinny_users endpoint
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/apps/{app_id}/skinny_users
# ALL users using the users endpoint
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/apps/{app_id}/users
# Specific User using their Okta User ID (uid)
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/apps/{app_id}/users/{user_id}


    "id": "00u8tvvbi3eihn3Ur0h7",
    "externalId": "15467658348",
    "created": "2016-11-20T04:04:42.000Z",
    "lastUpdated": "2016-11-20T23:09:40.000Z",
    "scope": "GROUP",
    "status": "PROVISIONED",
    "statusChanged": "2016-11-20T04:04:44.000Z",
    "syncState": "SYNCHRONIZED",
    "lastSync": "2016-11-20T23:09:40.000Z",
    "credentials": {
      "userName": "[email protected]"
    "profile": {
      "Role": "agent",
      "phone": "555-789-1231",
      "Groups": [
      "alias": "Nick",
      "Organization": "mattegantest",
      "locale": "English",
      "RestrictionId": "all",
      "timeZone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
      "firstName": "Joeseph"
appUsers - Retrieve App and appUser objects for a given user

Using this Method, you can make a single call to retrieve a collection of all application objects with an appUser object – as shown above – nested within each Application in the _embedded object. This approach will reduce the need to make iterative calls to fully elaborate a user’s application footprint.


#Retrieve all Apps with Embedded appUser objects for given user
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/apps? eq "00u1a7q3KgTkZE1d8"&expand=user/00u1a7q3KgTkZE1d8


    "id": "0oa8tvgiuh93NlQ0W0h7",
    "name": "zendesk",
    "label": "Zendesk",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "..": "...",
    "_embedded": {
      "user": {
        "id": "00u1a7q3KgTkZE1d8",
        "externalId": "[email protected]",
        "...": "...",
        "profile": {
          "appProperty": "Value",
          "appRole": [ "role1","role2" ]

appUsers More

More details and complete examples are available in our appUser Object documentation.


You can gain a better understanding of the meaning of groups in Okta by looking at the appGroups endpoint. For example, you can infer risk scores based on the access granted to a user from a given group.

Best Practices appGroups

The page size (limit parameter) should be a configurable value with a range between 10 and 100, the default value should be 20.

Like the guidance given for polling applications, the volatility of groups used to assign applications is low. Daily intervals should suffice in most cases.

appGroups Data

Refer to the appGroup Object data model for an elaboration of the appGroup data structure.

appGroup - Retrieve appGroup objects for a given app

Using this method you can list the groups used to assign the specified app along with any application properties defined as a function of being assigned through that group.


#Retrieve all Apps with Embedded appUser objects for given user
GET https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/v1/apps/{app_id}/groups


    "id": "00gbo36oc0GUPcc020h7",
    "lastUpdated": "2017-08-16T23:06:52Z",
    "priority": 0,
    "profile": {
      "time_zone": "US/Pacific",
      "cost_center": "Cost Center X",
      "department": "Department Y",
      "company": "Company Z"
    "...": "..."
    "id": "00gc96o9g6CY9M7N00h7",
    "lastUpdated": "2017-10-02T20:06:02Z",
    "priority": 1,
    "profile": {
      "time_zone": "US/Pacific",
      "cost_center": "Cost Center A",
      "department": "Department B",
      "company": "Company C"
    "...": "..."

appGroups More

More details and complete examples are available in our appGroup Object documentation.

Close the Loop

Write back to enforce policy in Okta

Building from the foundation laid in this guide

To resolve an incident or mitigate a perceived threat, an external system may want to affect a user’s state, modify authentication policies or reduce application availability. This Security Enforcement guide will describe how and when a system might take these actions.