Government Request Transparency Report 2024

Like most organizations, Okta may be subject to requests from public authorities and government agencies to disclose Customer Data. In such instances, Okta will always adhere to its Government Authority Data Request Policy and only disclose Customer Data pursuant to a valid legal request. Unless Okta is prohibited from doing so by law, Okta will notify its customer of the request before disclosing any Customer Data so that the customer has an opportunity: (a) to process the request itself (in collaboration with Okta if necessary), and (b) to seek legal remedies. If Okta is legally prohibited from notifying the customer prior to the disclosure, then Okta will take reasonable steps to notify the customer of the disclosure after the non-disclosure requirement expires.

As a company built upon trust and transparency, we believe it is important to report on these requests and how Okta responded. Please note that informal requests for Customer Data, which do not include valid legal process, are not included in this report as Okta does not consider these to be official requests and no Customer Data will ever be disclosed in response to such requests.


Government Requests Received

(January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024)

Last Updated: January 1, 2025

Type of Request Received Number of Requests Number of Users Impacted  
Subpoenas 2 0  
Search Warrants 0 0  
Court Orders 0 0  
International Requests 0 0 These are requests for Customer Data from non-US government agencies.
National Security Requests 0 0 These are requests for Customer Data pursuant to national security process, such as a National Security Letter (NSL) or Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) order.
Total 2 0  
Delayed Notice Orders 0 0 These are orders prohibiting Okta from disclosing information about the request to third parties, including customers. If Okta receives a valid Delayed Notice Order, then Okta will take reasonable steps to notify the customer of the disclosure after the Order expires.
Okta's Response      
Number of requests where Okta disclosed Customer Data to a Government Authority: 0 0  


Please note that the information presented on this page is based on Okta’s knowledge at the time of publication. If Okta learns of new information, it will update this page accordingly.