How to Use Feedback Loops to Find the Gaps in your Security Strategy

Organizations are under ever-greater pressure to leverage new app technologies to drive competitive advantage and growth. Yet these ambitious plans all come crashing down if they can’t guarantee that modern IT systems are built on a secure foundation. Security analytics that incorporate data from access control systems are a crucial tool in the…

4 Tools to Keep in your Risk-Assessment Toolbox

As more companies move to support cloud-based environments to work with better mobility and flexibility, their number of vulnerability points also increase. A thriving underground economy that trades in hacking tools, cyber crime services, stolen data, and credentials is estimated to be worth $600 billion annually—that’s more than the film, gaming…

The Ultimate Authentication Playbook

With the rise of of credential stuffing and similar attack methods, simple username and password authentication is not enough to deter bad actors. According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, there were over 55,000 security incidents and 2,200 confirmed data breaches in 2018, with a whopping 81% of those incidents being tied to…