Using Okta for APRA Prudential Standards CPS 234
Cyber attacks are on the rise around the world, including in Australia: in May of 2019, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner reported 964 data breaches in Australia between April 2018 and April 2019 -- a 712% increase from the year prior. The report also found that phishing and spear phishing were the most common and effective methods by which organisations were compromised, and that credential theft due to attacks outside of phishing was tied to 28% of incidents.
To take action and help ensure regulated entities had security controls in place to be more effective in protecting against these threats, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) created a new prudential standard for information security management. The standard, APRA CPS 234, aims to minimise the likelihood and impact of a security incident by providing guidance for how organisations should maintain an information security capability appropriate for modern information security vulnerabilities and threats.
Download this new whitepaper to learn what is CPS 234 and how leveraging the Okta service can help organisations approach the APRA CPS 234 standards.